b'seem to be retrievable. For example, no matterhow hard one concentrates, it is often difficult or impossible to remember what they did the previous day or even what they had for breakfast. In Alzheimers, they literally forget howtodosimpleactivitiesofdailyliving such as self-toileting, dressing oneself, or how to use a stove or microwave to prepare a meal. Familiar faces no longer have meaning as being associated with a family member or friend.MS cognitive changes can often respond positivelytocognitiveretrainingthatis tailored to the individual. This may include energy-saving measures, time-management techniques, job-specic cueing, and the use of electronic and written reminders. These measures have not been very successful in the treatment of early Alzheimers cognitive problems. In summary, visual changes with age are very different than those caused by MS, but those living with MS can still experience normal aging visual changes. It is important to annually see your ophthalmologist if you have any problems other than needing just a prescription change, which an optometrist can manage. Sleep issues are quite common in the MS community, so if you are experiencing chronic daytime sleepiness or fatigue, you need to have an evaluation of the issues that wake you or prohibit you from falling asleep and take steps to correct what needs correcting. Temperature problems tend towards hot in persons with MS vs. cold with normal aging; hormonal changes can cloud this discrepancy forsome. Acognitiveworkupisalways appropriate if you are having trouble doing your normal work or making frequent mistakes. MS cognitive changes, unlike those of early Alzheimers, are often treatable. 43 msfocusmagazine.org'