b'image. Many individuals with MS nd it difficultMS, lets talk about what to do about it. As we to recognize or appreciate the positive aspectsdiscussed, self-esteem can broadly be dened of their body or physical appearance. Our self- as the opinions and beliefs we hold about interpretations and beliefs are also inuencedourselves. In a sense, it is our relationship by others behaviors, attitudes, and perceptionswithourselvesanditcomposesallthe of us. Systemic issues such as ableism andthoughts, feelings, judgments, and ideas we disability stereotypes may play a signicanthold about our self-identity.role in the way you view yourself. If you need aPeople with healthy self-esteem are often wheelchair, walker, or other mobility aid, youcondent and assertive, form secure relationships may face challenges related to navigating thewith others, believe they deserve the love and world as an individual with a visible disability.respect of others, and are not overly critical of If your symptoms are less visible or concealable,themselves or others. It is often a misconception you may encounter stigmatization related tothat people with healthy self-esteem only have invisible disability, as well as internal conicta positive view of themselves. Instead, people about whether to disclose your diagnosis inwith healthy self-esteem are able to have an various settings. honest and balanced view of themselves, Integrating your diagnosis into yourincluding their strengths and weaknesses, self-identity may require you to adopt newwithout being overly critical or focused on perspectives for understanding the world, astheir aws.well as yourself. Although the process ofConversely, people with low self-esteem learning how to accept and foster a healthyfeel inferior to others, incompetent, deeply relationship with yourself is lifelong and non- flawed, and tend to overly focus on their linear, you are the only one who is guaranteed toweaknesses. Not only do they tend to have a be in a relationship with you for the entiretynegative perception of themselves, but can of your life. Here are some questions to helpbe more vulnerable to the negative opinions you think about how you see yourself:of others. Low self-esteem is also strongly Self-Relationship Check-Up associated with the development of anxiety 1. How would you describe yourself to some- and depression.one who has never met you?CBT to the rescue2. How has MS affected the way you seePsychological treatments for low self-yourself?esteem generally target our thoughts and 3. When was the last time you made time tobeliefs and examine the effect it has on our do something for yourself?behavior.Forexample,someonewithlow self-esteem may have negative thoughts and 4. What do you do to practice self-care? Howbeliefs about themselves or internalize the often do you practice self-care?way they believe the world feels about them. 5. Are youfamiliar with yourinnercritic?Cognitive behavior therapy is one of the most What does it usually say about you?researched forms of evidence-based treatment Examining our self-esteem that has shown to be effective for treating low self-esteem. CBT works by directly helping Now that we have established how theyou identify your negative thoughts and beliefs relationship with yourself can change afterand helps you learn to challenge them.11msfocusmagazine.org'