b'MS Focus ActivitiesNews From Annual MS ConferencesNews From Annual MS ConferencesEach spring, we at MS Focus attend thefor MS specialists to share their knowledge, top three educational conferences for MS inand for those in general neurology practice America: the annual meetings of the Americasto become more familiar with the condition, Committee for Treatment and Research in MS,learning about the most recent advances in the American Academy of Neurology, anddiagnosis and treatment. Biomarkers were a the Consortium of MS Centers. What are thesehot topic in the MS track. Studies suggests the meetings, and why should they be importantpotential to measure how active a persons MS to you?is with a simple blood test in the near future.ACTRIMS is a meeting centered aroundAnother hot topic at the AAN was health translationalresearchtakingwhatisequity. MS Focus collaborated with The learned from basic science and seeing howAccelerated Cure Project and Efficient CME on it can be applied to help individuals with MS.research shared at this years AAN regarding Its an opportunity for researchers, clinicians,disparities in health care. The study found that andmedicalprofessionalsintrainingtopeople of color had longer delays to diagnosis come together, learn about the latest news inand were more frequently misdiagnosed. MS research, and exchange knowledge andAnother study, presented by Cleveland Clinic, ideas that can help further our understand- reportedthatLatinxindividualswithMS ing of MS and its treatment. tended to have greater disability and loss of The meetings theme this year was Goingcortical gray matter.Viral, there was much discussion about theCMSC is a meeting, like ACTRIMS, is focused research into the Epstein Barr virus as an MSsolely on MS. It is attended by professionals trigger. During the opening press conference,who provide treatment for people with MS, the program chairs highlighted key questions:including neurologists, MS nurses, physical Could an EBV vaccine prevent future casesand occupational therapists, speech language of MS? Would a treatment for EBV inuencepathologists, and other healthcare providers the progression of MS? If so, when would thatthat specialize in the eld. Packed with edu-vaccinebeadministered,considering95cationalprogramming,thevarioustracks percent of the healthy adult population hascover everything from the history of MS to been exposed to the virus? These questionsintegrative medicine.are the focus of future research. To learn about the hot topics out of this AsecondaryfocusoftheGoing Viralyears CMSC conference, watch the recording theme was the lessons learned about MS, MSof Whats New in MS? News from the Consortium treatments, and COVID-19. Results were sharedof MS Centers, a webinar featuring our Patient that indicated people on B-cell depleting orHealthcare Liaison, Cherie Binns, RN, MSCN. S1P modulating medications were at greaterYou will nd the video on the Foundations risk for COVID, but pre-exposure treatmentYouTube channel at msfocus.us/Conferences with Evusheld did have a protective effect.2023. AAN is a meeting that has a broader scope,These three important conferences help to with tracks for many different neurologicaladvance research, train medical professionals, conditionsnot just MS. It draws more thanand exchange information that can benet 10,000 neurology professionals from aroundpeople with MS. Were proud to attend and the globe each year. Its a great opportunitybring that information back to you.msfocusmagazine.org 30'