b'Life with MSThink of CBT like pulling weeds in a garden.and replace unhealthy behaviors.The idea being that your negative thoughtsIn addition to professional help, you may are like leafy parts of the weeds we see abovetryengaginginself-compassionexercises the ground. But what happens when we pull athat help you connect to the most positive weed without digging into the soil and pullingparts of yourself and your worldview. Give out the root? It comes back. CBT also focusesthese self-compassion exercises a try: on identifying your core beliefs. Core beliefs are1. Try to be more aware of what you are telling our most deeply help beliefs about ourselvesyourself and set aside time to think about and our world. We tend to be less aware of ourthe characteristics that are positive. core beliefs (just like how we do not see the root of a weed), but they often guide the way2. Do something nice for yourself (because we think, feel, and what we do. you deserve it). Dress up and go out, have In addition to your thoughts, feelings, anda spa day, get a manicure/pedicure, plan a beliefs, CBT will also teach you to monitor yourvacation, etc.behavior and help you replace unhealthy3. Think of someone you respect or care deeply behaviors for ones that benet your life. Simplyabout and think to yourself how you would put, the goals of CBT are to help you to identifyfeel about them if they were in your situation. core beliefs about your world, identify healthierWe are often much kinder to the people beliefs, face your fears, develop self-compassion,around us than we are to ourselves. Who is someone special inyourlifethatmakes living with MS easier?Sharon Booth TenEyckMy sister and niece also have multiple sclerosis. They are the only ones in my life that truly understand. Shannon FowlerMy teenage son makes my life with MS easier because he is attentive to the changes in my functioning and is willing to help me when needed to decrease my struggle. Cora MartinMy son, James, and his family. Staci MickensMy support group. We really support as well as encourage our members. Angie BeanUtah Friends With MS is a fantastic group of people who help each other with their MS. The founder Dan Sheldon deserves recognition for starting the group and making it a safe place and helpful place for those with MS. The people in the group really help each other to stay strong. Cindy YukichMost denitely my husband of 50+ years. He is the reason I am still walking, and able to rise up and ght this terrible disease every day. Deborah V. Bosco, Mahnoor Awan, Tracie Boysel, Connie Hall, Bechelder Forbes, Kathleen Crudele,Pam Burris Lewis also replied their husbands were their person who made life with MS easier.msfocusmagazine.org 12'