b'IYour Relationship with Yourself After MS 10 Self-esteem plays a key role in our mental health. NRelationships and Dating with MS 13 While facing ups and downs, remember that you are a blessing.Build Your Squad, Keep Them Close 16Vulnerability is uncomfortable but necessary.TEnhancing Sexuality and Intimacy in MS 18 Sexual problems in MS can be successfully treated most of the time.HMaintaining Relationships when you have MS 22Technology offers both active and passive ways to connect.INews from MS Conferences 30 Learnings from the three largest annual MS conferences in North America.Friendships That Dont Serve 36 SWhen is it time to let go? 38Navigating the Diagnosis Process and Your Family How you can get your point across. A Hidden Epidemic: Disability and Domestic Abuse 43 ISeventy percent of individuals with disabilities will experience some form of abuse in their lifetime. SDoctors Notes 46 MS Focused 6 Empowered 28Ask the MS Nurse 49 SSpotlight 32Upcoming Programs 50 My Story 40MS Focus Brain Game51Giving Back 44 UGGiivviinnggMMaaddeeEEaassyyMS Focus is embracing technology and making E giving even easier. To make a donation today: Text MSFocus to 50155.3 msfocusmagazine.org'