b'grants and programs, and what is needed tond you are a leader and will start a support apply. Even groups from other organizationsgroup. Maybe you will nd it empowering to haveaskedustospeakattheirmeetings,holdafundraiser.Maybeyoujustneed which is very empowering.someone to talk to and if that is the case, What will empower you? Go over thoseplease call our toll-free support line. We are seven tips and start your plan. Perhaps you willhere for you. DDooyyoouuffeeeelltthheenneeeeddttoottaallkk??Consider joining one of the many support groups that are affiliated with MS Focus. Visit our website at msfocus.org, contact us at 888-673-6287, or email supportgroups@msfocus.org to nd the support group nearest to you. We are always here for you.Please welcome these newly affiliated groups: MS in MotionMeetings via Zoom. Leader: Donna Coverdale Pendleton MS PathndersPendleton, S.C. Leader: Sue Ellen Bennett Visit our website msfocus.org or email us atsupportgroups@msfocus.org to nd the support group nearest to you. Read MS Focus Magazine - Digitally! Read MS Focus Magazine - Digitally! If you love our magazine but want to help us conserve resourcesor just prefer toreadonyourdevicenow youcan.MSFocusMagazineisofferingdigital subscriptions. The same great magazine you know and love can be sent right to your inbox to read online or on your device.If you would like to transition your subscription to digital, visit: msfocus.us/digital today.29 msfocusmagazine.org'