b'Life with MSNNaavviiggaattiinnggtthheeDDiiaaggnnoossiissPPrroocceessssaannddYYoouurrFFaammiillyyHow you can get your point across.By Bhavya SuriYou just received a diagnosis of multipleLets go through some tips on how you can sclerosis from your healthcare provider.begin this process. Instantly, it feels as if the rug was ripped fromMake a list of your emotions. This is your underneath your feet. Many thoughts arelist to write, so feel free to write all the emotions running through your mind, all at once, with noyou initially feel. Noting these emotions can one thought having more importance thanhelp you sort which ones you want to give another. You wonder how will life now change.more attention to and which ones you feel How will you navigate the activities you oncecan be put to the side, for now. By identifying enjoyed? How large of an effect does thistheseemotions,youllbeabletonavigate diagnosis play in your life? More importantly,through them when it comes time to discuss how do you tell your family that your life is nowyour diagnosis with your family. Having this more complicated?list can help you explain to them how this Having a diagnosis such as MS plays adiagnosis is making you feel and perhaps large role in your daily activities and lifestyle.give them a better understanding of how to The things you once found enjoyable mayhelp you get through your initial reaction. require some adjustments. Accepting thePlay out scenarios. Now, this is not to say diagnosis means emotional adjustments asthat every scenario should be imagined, nor well, which requires time and patience. Withis it to say that you should only limit yourself the support of family and loved ones, thetothebestandworst-casescenarios.You adjustment may become a bit easier. However,know your family better than anyone around if your family is not supportive or understanding,you, so imagine a few scenarios of how you accepting the diagnosis and changing yourfeel the conversation would ow. The point of lifestyle becomes that much more difficult. thisactivityistohave yourselfmentally msfocusmagazine.org 38'