b'Life with MS MMaaiinnttaaiinniinnggRReellaattiioonnsshhiippssWWhheennYYoouuHHaavveeMMSSTTeecchhnnoollooggyyooffffeerrssaaccttiivvee,,ppaassssiivveewwaayyssttooccoonnnneeccttBy Joanne FortunatoOur relationships with the people aroundthat occur on a regular basis and you can us, whether family, friends, partners, or worksign up for notications when a new episode colleagues, are important for our emotionalis released.health and practical support. But sometimes MSYouTube and other similar video sites can feel like a barrier to those relationships,are another good example of passive social making it harder to maintain the ones thatconnections online. Like podcasts, most video matter to us or develop new ones in the future.sites offer links to connect more in-depth with This quote from the MS Trust Foundationthe presenter of the video. Similarly, you can (mstrust.org.uk) sums up relationship challenges,subscribe to channels to follow the presenter especially with MS, extremely well. as they add more content.Maintaining relationships is an important partLastly, while texting is good for quick attempts of everyones wellness journey, but limitationsto communicate, it is easy to lose meaning insuch as mobility issues and transportation your communications when you cant see or can be a daunting challenge. Using technologyhear those with whom you are trying to connect. to overcome these obstacles can be life-changing.If you have ever been stuck in a group text, If you cant get out to be around people, technologyyou already know the limitations of texting. can help bring people to you. While it does notAreplace in-person connections, it is still powerful.AccttiivveeppaarrttiicciippaattiioonnThe ability to use video technology meansA great way to actively participate online you can break geographical boundaries andwith other people that share common issues meet with people from anywhere in the world.is to join social networks such as Facebook This article will focus on written, auditory,and My MS Team (mymsteam.com). You can and visual connections.share as much or as little as you wish about Passive c yourself. Healthline has a comprehensive list Passive coonnnneeccttiivviittyySocial connections can be divided into twoof sites to nd MS support networks online categories, passive and active. An example ofand would be an excellent starting point for passive connection would be listening to afinding a group that meets your needs. In podcast. If you listen to a prerecorded podcast,addition, most online social networks provide you do not get to interact with the presenters.a way to nd local groups that are particular However, usually there are links provided forto your location and issues. getting in touch with the presenters for questionsConnecting with others live in real time or comments. Many podcasts have episodeshas changed interpersonal communication msfocusmagazine.org 22'