b'so long as you create that space for yourself.Rebecca added that the Internet and social Read, meditate, walk, listen to music, ormedia, while not answers to everything, are whatever you like; prioritize that recharge.great places to begin or continue the journey. Youll burn out if you dont and becomeNow that we have this technology, we can incapable of being 100 percent present foraccess community and information better. those around you. Its a matter of putting yourself out there and Partners in crime sharing your story. The apprehension aboutWhether traveling locally to capture photosbeing vulnerable on the web is understandable, or lounging for brunch and lattes at coffeebut consider how many people you will attract shops, the self-described partners in crime arebecause your stories are similar.always equipped for double trouble. RebeccaYou never know the impact you could said, Well be out in public, and someone willhave on someone else or what you could gain remark on how much we look alike, and Illfrom anothers shared experience. Im not say something to the effect of, Nope! Ivesaying to tell all of your business, but I have never seen this woman in my life.metmanypeopleworldwidewithinthe Faith noted, Thats always been the naturechronic illness community who I consider of our relationship: if one of us gets into mischief,some of my best friends today. Had I chose the other often follows.not to be open and champion myself, Mom, In some cases, however, for Faiths safety,and others like us, I would never have known Rebecca becomes the protector. Faith said,them. She has a list of things I cant do. Becca evenShared MS journeygets our neighbor involved, who watches me Upon becoming involved, opportunities oncamerawhileshesaway.IfIvedonesteadily arose for Faith to further connect with something my daughter didnt want me to,the MS community. In 2019, she became one the neighbor tells her immediately. Ive beenof three speakers who recounted their journeys stubborn all my life. After all, I hitchhiked towith the disease before a live audience at an Woodstock, so what does that say? event hosted by Emmy Award-winning television In retrospect, the pair claims only to changepersonality and MS advocate Montel Williams. one thing if they could: the advent of theirFaith said, The program was called My MS advocacy. Faith said, There was much I didntSecondAct.Itwasacollaborationbetween know regarding available resources, supportMultiple Sclerosis Association of America and groups, and educational seminars.Novartis alongside Montel and The Moth, a I wasnt even made aware of cooling vests,nonprot dedicated to cultivating the art of canes, MS walks, nor local offices of multiplediverse storytelling. The idea was to provide sclerosis organizations. A doctor of mine ateducation and first-hand accounts of MS the time was speaking at a patient educationprogression; it was an experience I was glad dinner, and I just so happened to see the eventto be part of and one I wont forget. yer; she didnt bother telling me about it,Together, she and Rebecca joined a patient but I learned so much in going. Had I beenadvisory board for a pharmaceutical company, cognizant about my options, my present stageattended several patient-doctor events, and would likely be different. participatedinvirtualwalksfordisease 33 msfocusmagazine.org'