b'MS Focus ActivitiesFaith and Rebecca AgauasBy Kimani HendricksAlthough experiencing symptoms of multiplewith another who was equally committed to sclerosis as early as 1989, mother of two andmeeting her needs was great.longtime Sterling Heights, Mich., resident FaithThe dynamic of this mother-daughter duo Agauas was not officially diagnosed until awas never hindered by MS nor by Rebeccas decade later. She said, From the beginning, itnew role as caregiver. She said, If anything, was challenging to convince doctors somethingit strengthened our connection. It is not now, was wrong. While my primary care physiciannor has it ever been a burden. I get asked how took my symptoms seriously and referred meI do it all the time, and my answer is the same: to specialists, they chalked them up to femaleHow could I not do it? Shes my mom, and I issues, stress, and depression. love her. She would do the same for me. Upon identifying the name behind the faceInterchanging rolesof her MS symptoms, Faith swiftly arrived at the acceptance of her diagnosis despite alsoRebecca lives with prediabetes, Hashimotos, living with cancer and three other autoimmuneand intracranial hypertension, rst experiencing diseases. Once I learned it was multiple sclerosis,symptoms of at least one condition at 30Faiths my next thoughts were, What do I need to do toage when she developed signs of MS. Rebecca manage it? I didnt deny my new conditionsaid, Ive got three chronic illnesses, and Moms nor allow myself to get consumed by fear. If yougot four; Im getting up there with her. cant change something, why fret over it?According to Faith, I feel that sometimes, Throughout Faiths journey, medical biasour roles interchange because I become a care remained a recurring theme until 2009, whenpartner of my daughter. But neither of us is a she found a neurologist her daughter, Rebecca,woe is me person, and no matter what we are describes as an angel in disguise. Unlike thedealing with, illness or no illness, we continually others before them, this neuro invested timelook on the bright side.and care into our visits, asking and answeringWhile many caregivers admit to often questions, running tests, and ensuring we were a team. That was comforting becauseplacing their partners needs before theirs, not long before, I began caregiving for MomRebecca feels that self-preservation is a benet as her MS progressed; if she needed helpnot only to herself but to her mother. As I nancially or getting things done around thehave gotten older, I realized how important house, I was ready and willing. So, to partnerme-time is; what you do with it doesnt matter msfocusmagazine.org 32'