b'prepared to speak to your family when youNavigating through a diagnosis can be are ready. By having thought out scenarios,difficult and confusing. Having a support you are more equipped when the time comessystem can help alleviate some of these to get your point across without being overcomedifficulties.Itisimportanttoremember by their thoughts or feelings. Remember, thisduring this initial phase of your life with MS is a time for you to state your feelings and feelthat your feelings take precedence. You are heard.not responsible for anyone elses emotions Have educational material ready. Nearlybut your own. Finding support in your family one million people in the U.S. live with MS andis ideal, but having support from your friends the number is increasing annually. Thoughandotherlovedonesisalsoimportant. this disease has become better understood byRemember, dealing with this diagnosis should many, perhaps your family does not understandcome at the comfort of your own pace. the severity of how it can affect you. HavingComparison is your number one enemy educational materials such as brochures,and support is your biggest ally. Your disease webinars, and visuals may help them todoes not define you by any means and is understand the disease process better. Thereonly as much of your identity as you allow it may be questions you feel can be betterto be. Be kind to yourself and navigate how answered by a physician, or perhaps they mayyou see fit. gain a more objective view of MS through their own research. The goal is to help them understand what MS is and how it plays a role in your life, and, therefore, in theirs.Set your expectations. MS is an invisible disease. You may have symptoms such as fatigue, brain fog, and imbalancebut no one can see it from outside. It is more difficult for those around you to understand what an invisible disease may be doing to your body simply because they cannot see the hurdles youve had to cross to make it through the day. Perhaps when you tell them about your diagnosis,yourfamilymaysayYoulook completely normal. Are you sure this is an accurate diagnosis? This question may create emotions you did not see coming. The best way to approach questions such as these is to have an expectation set. Your family may not see eye-to-eye initially on your diagnosis, but that is completely okay. Your goal is to inform them, not to help them navigate through their acceptance process.39 msfocusmagazine.org'