b'Life with MSNo one else can see the private battles inside me. So, what comes next? I guess well see She responded:You are prone to fall. Yet, you always get up, and you always play ball. So, for now, while you can, please stand tallyoure my man. Youve a wonderful family and dozens of fans. And your friends from back home you know what theyd say, Doc has plenty of game; We know he can play! So, what do you say?Will you play today? Shes right, and I appreciate her push. I may very well be tired of fending off foes that only I can see. But if I dont strive to move forward, then thats on me. I need to put forth the effort. I know nothing comes free. And I know Im not the only one to ght this ght, as I have done. Ill set an example for others to see. Ill both ght and play hard; Im going to be me. So, Ill forego the run. For now, Ill walk. Each time I fall, Ill get back up. And when I can no longer get back on my feet, Ill nd me an ugly chair and climb aboard my new seat. But even then, I wont be beat.Ill discover new ways to postpone defeat. Ive always loved playing games. Since high school, or maybe college, Ive viewed my life as a game. The objective of my game, I continue to believe, is to collect the highest-quality relationshipsboth in family and friendships. By this measure, I know Ive thrived. And with a life lled with bear hugs, laughter, and fun, I promise to ght harder, knowing Ive already won.msfocusmagazine.org 42'