b'A s k t h e M S Nu rs eA s k t h e M S Nu rs eCherie Binns is a MS-certied nurse living with MS. She is the patient healthcare liaison for MS Focus and a member of the MS Lived Experience Advisory panel for the Foundation. Her monthly column addresses the issues of living with MS.Dear MS Nurse,Binns: Our MS can be deeply affected in a Why do people disappear when you tellnegative way if other conditions (known as them you have MS?Paulette G.comorbidities) are not well-managed. Diabetes Binns: This is a complicated question, but itis a common comorbidity in middle-aged and may be because they either dont know whatolder adults and can lead to a wide variety of MS is or have a picture of someone in theircomplications if not managed. For those living past who was signicantly affected by MS inwith MS who have had steroids to manage an age before there were treatments. This is arelapses, you may have a higher risk of great opportunity to have an open conversationdevelopingdiabetesbecauseofmetabolic about fears and concerns. MS Focus has a wealthchanges from that class of medications. So, of information at no cost about treatment,yes, you do need a PCP who can help identify symptom management, lifestyle changes, andpotentialcomorbiditiesandhelpyouget more that can be helpful in this discussion.ahead of related problems. These are areas To find what you need visit: msfocus.org/outside the expertise of your MS neurologist. Get-Educated/Educational-materials. Dear MS Nurse, Dear MS Nurse,I want to work on body building to increase I think I might be having the MS Hug. It canmy strength. Do you know of any supplements feel for hours like there is a tight band aroundthat will help with that?Nick O. my rib cage and it is hard to take a deep breath.Binns: Unfortunately, body building takes Are there ways to help this?James R. Binns: The MS Hug is one manifestation ofeffort and there is no magic solution to assist spasticity that not everyone with MS experiences.other than doing the work. Many of the It can be very uncomfortable and may evensupplements touted to build muscle and be mistaken for a heart attack the rst time itincrease strength also claim to be immune occurs. I have found that cooling helps meboosters. MS is a condition that results from when it happens, especially internal cooling.an already overactive immune system so taking Drinking a tall glass of very cold water alongsupplements that further ramp up that system with a cooling vest or ice packs over the areacan worsen your MS symptoms and make of tightness can loosen that grip in a matterworking out even more difficult. Individuals of minutes. Alternately, if this happens in verywith MS, if they are eating a well-rounded cold weather, a heating pad over the area candiet, generally do not need any supplements be helpful in conjunction with a hot beverage.other than potentially vitamin D. Most Dear MS Nurse,neurologists check vitamin D levels at least a Why is my primary care doctor so xatedcouple of times a year and will advise you on on my weight and blood sugar? Cant he justthe correct dose for your personal needs. understand that I have MS and that is the mainIf you have a question for the MS Nurse,problem? Do I even need a PCP or can my MSemail msnurse@msfocus.org. neurologist take care of everything? Alyssa N. msfocusmagazine.org 49'