b'are common in MS, they are treatable mostand partners, and being willing to utilize sex of the time. The most powerful way to treattoys, aids, medicines, sex therapy, body mapping these concerns is by acquiring information,exercise and/or counseling from someone discussingwithyourhealthcareprovidersknowledgeable about MS and intimacy.Resources Intimacy and Sexuality in Multiple SclerosisA booklet available from MS Focus at: msfocus.org/Get-Educated/Educational-materials/Booklets For referrals to certied sex therapistscontact the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists: aasect.org/referral-directory Web Spotlight on MS and Intimacy (nationalmssociety.org/Intimacy)nationalmssociety.org/Living-Well-With-MS/Relationships/Intimacy Cleveland Clinic:my.clevelandclinic.org/departments/neurological/depts/multiple-sclerosis/ ms-approaches/ sexual-dysfunction-ms Recommended ReadingFoley, FW.Assessment and treatment of sexual dysfunction in multiple sclerosis. In: Gaesser B (Ed). Primer on multiple sclerosis. Chapter 16, pgs. 249 -258. New York: Oxford University Press, 2016 Foley, FW. Sexuality and intimacy in multiple sclerosis: chapter 4. In Kalb, R (ed). Multiple Sclerosis: A Guide for Families. (3rd ed.) New York: Demos Medical Publishing, 2005. Kroll R, Klein E. Enabling Romance: A Guide to Love, Sex, and Relationships for the Disabled. New York: Harmony Books, 1992. Who is someone special inyourlifethatmakes living with MS easier?William DavisMy sister, for she is my support and rock through it all. Cat GosMy wonderful, loving brother. Julio Benavides Not just one person, my support group. We understand each other. Marie Montesione Forcone My Jr., hes the best. Shawn DuffyMy mom, Patsy. She has been my rock through it all.21 msfocusmagazine.org'