b'A Hidden Epidemic: Disability and Domestic Abuse. The numbers are shocking. Seventy percent Harming or threatening to harm a service of individuals with disabilities will experienceanimal. some form of abuse in their lifetime. Women Using financial resources meant for the with disabilities experience intimate partnerpersons care. violence at a rate 40 percent higher than womenUnfortunately, abuse against disabled without disabilities. Men with disabilities arepersons is rarely reported. Because of a need not immune, though they are more likely tofor care, people with disabilities often feel experience psychological abuse than physical.they have nowhere to go. And unfortunately, One survey looked at what types of abusethat may be true in some cases, as relatively are experienced by people with disabilities.few domestic violence shelters are equipped Of the individuals with disabilities who hadto handle a variety of disabilities. But that been abused: doesnt mean the situation is hopeless. 87 percent experienced verbal or emotionalConsider these steps if you are experiencing abuseabuse at the hands of an intimate partner,50 percent experienced physical abusefamily member, or care provider. 41 percent experienced sexual abuse1. Reject shame. If embarrassment or shame 37 percent experienced neglectkeeps you from reaching out, remember31 percent experienced nancial abuseyour abuser is the one with something to be Why is abuse so prevalent in the disabledashamed of, not you. You deserve safety. community? Abuse often has an element of2. Contact your local domestic violence shelter control, and need for assistance a person withand be candid about your needs. See if they a disability may have can present uniqueare equipped to serve you. If the answer is opportunities for abusers to leverage. In additionno, do not give up. Check with shelters in to violence, threats, and verbal abuse, disabledneighboring counties. people may experience abuse that is directly3. Work with the agencies that serve people related to their disability, such as: with disabilities. A Center for IndependentDenying access to or threatening to destroyLiving and an Area Agency on Aging exists a persons mobility devices.in each area to serve people with disabilities.Withholding or misusing a persons medication.While the services vary by location, they oftenInappropriately touching a person whilehave programs for housing, caregiving, and assisting with bathing or dressing.transportation for people with disabilities. Your abuser wants you to believe you cantForcing someone to lie in soiled undergarments.live without them, but these services arePreventing access to food.there to help you.Resources: National Domestic Violence Hotline: 800-799-SAFE (7233) Find your Independent Living Center: ilru.org/projects/cil-net/cil-center-and-association-directory Find Your Area Agency on Aging: eldercare.acl.gov/Public/Index.aspx 43 msfocusmagazine.org'