b'therapies that manage symptoms; and therapieshyperactive bladder. In this small study, 22.5 thatlessenthechancesoffuturerelapses,percent of participants experienced some new MRI lesions, or progression of disability.adverse side effects. Additionally, some Research hopes to give us future treatmentparticipants showed benets at lower doses optionsthatrepairdamageinthecentralthan prescribed. The study was published in nervous system and reverse disability. Onethe journal Multiple Sclerosis and Related potentialavenueforrestoringfunctionisDisorders. through neural plasticity. This is like reroutingThrower- Nabiximols (Sativex) is a roughly electrical signals through new pathways around1:1 mixture of CBD and THC in a sublingual areas of old MS damage.spray. Its been approved for years in many other The FDA has given authorization to thecountries to manage spasms in MS. Sadly, it portable neuromodulation device from Helius.does not appear we will see FDA-approval of The device is approved to improve mild-to- Sativex here in the U.S. One study failed to moderate gait deficits from MS. The deviceshow benet on a measure of spasticity called delivers an electrical stimulus through a smallthe Ashworth Scale. This led the manufacturer tab held under the tongue. Users do not describeto stop the process for seeking FDA-approval this as uncomfortable. The device is only wornfor Sativex in the U.S. This is frustrating, as during rehabilitation and exercise sessions.otherstudieshaveshownareductionin FDA authorization was based on two smallpainful spasms in those taking nabiximols.studies. One showed improvements in walking.This study looked at managing urinary The second showed improvements in cognition.frequency and urgency with the CBD/THC Here at Shepherd Center we are conductingsprayanddidshowareductioninthose another study looking at improvements insymptoms. We have traditionally managed walking, upper extremity function, or cognitionthese symptoms with medications such as in those using the portable neuromodulationoxybutynin (Ditropan) or tolterodine (Detrol). device.These medications work well for some but Study assesses spray in patientsmay have unacceptable side effects for others. with MS-related bladder dysfunctionHaving more treatment options is always a A study conducted in Italy assessed thegood thing. While people living with MS in effect of nabiximols oromucosal spray (Sativex)the U.S. may not have access to Sativex, other on urinary disturbances by clinical andcannabinoid products are available. Our urodynamic evaluation in people with MS.nation is a patchwork of different state laws Thirty-one people enrolled in the study, 25dealing with medical cannabis, so youll have reached the one-month mark for evaluation,to look at your local situation. and 18 reached the six-month mark ofFertility treatments do not neurological, spasticity, and quality of lifeincrease MS relapse risk assessments. The data suggest nabiximolsA research group from four centers across had a positive effect with a 35 percent reductionthe U.S. participated in an observational in perceived urinary disturbances and showedretrospective data review to assess the effect improvementonmeasuredurodynamicof fertility treatments and relapse risk. Data parameters, particularly in patients withcollection resulted in 124 fertility treatment 47 msfocusmagazine.org'