b'always easy for me because there are daysthe voiceless and opens up a whole different that I don\'t feel well enough to be present. Butrealm for those in need. I know that every I go, I decorate, and I promote the fundraiserpenny helps, and I appreciate everything that and it\'s importance. I was exhausted, butMS Focus: the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation I made sure to stay in contact with thosedoes for the MS community. I appreciate the individuals that offered donations and hadmonthly help of my fellow support group been slow in sending it. The result of helpingmembers Juana and Riky Cubillas, Maria people with the money we raised is worthGuillen, Terez Duncanson, Danielle Smith, every ounce of effort. JohnsonJean-Louis,CheriColeman,and What advice would you give to others?Wilfredo Cruz. There\'s no "I" in team and they are certainly proof of that. Raising funds to Don\'t be discouraged or angry when peoplehelptheMScommunityliftsmeupand look at you and don\'t understand why peoplekeeps me going. with MS need money if their disability isn\'t visible. Always have a smile when you\'re ask-ing for help because as my mother would al-ways say, "you catch more ies with honey than you do with vinegar." What did you learn from doing this and what are your future goals? Iplantoorganizethissametypeof fundraiser every year that God gives me breath in my body. Fundraising gives voice to For more information on Joyous Living Faith Partners or upcoming events, email Cynthia Lyons at: listenup357@gmail.comHHaavviinnggaaBBaallllaR atttthheeReeddaannddWWhhiitteeBBaallllMS Focus board president Charles Eader had a wonderful time with the DDGER Council of N.J. at the Herbert Spann Red and White Ball. MembersoftheImprovedBenevolentand Protective Order Elks of the World and guests enjoyed music, dancing, and camaraderie as they raised funds and awareness for MS. Our thankstotheElksandchapterpresident DerrickSpannfortheirsupportoftheMS community.45msfocusmagazine.org'