b"CClluueessIIttMMaayyBBeeTTiimmeettooSSaayyGGooooddbbyyee Your friend makes you feel bad about yourself.Youre no fun anymore!Are you really going to make it this time, or are you just going to back out on me again?Your friend cant seem to let go of the old you.But we always used to go to the beach in the summer.Why cant things be like they used to? Your friend implies you are exaggerating your symptoms.Youd come if you really wanted to. You were walking just ne last time I saw you, and now you say you cant walk that far?Youre just depressed. Coming out will do you good.allow you to see things in a different light.LivingwithMScanbeacomplexand Perhaps you can suggest alternate things youchallenging journey. It often involves making can do together, or nd new ways to showdifficult decisions that may not be understood each other you care.by others but are necessary for your well-being. But what if your friend doesnt respond asItisimportanttorecognizeandprioritize you would hope to your efforts to improveyour own needs to navigate the challenges of the situation? In moments such as this, it isliving with MS. Sometimes, to ght your best timetoconsiderwhetheryoushouldsaybattle against the disease, you must be willing goodbye and cut your losses. Friendships areto make sacrifices, including letting go of meant to serve you. If you feel your diagno- relationships that have a negative effect on sis is causing your friends to lose interest inyour health. yourlife, then they are not the type of friendsEvery day is a ght, and prioritizing your who can benet your future. It can be hard tophysical and emotional health becomes top know which friendships and relationships topriority. It's important to trust your instincts continue nurturing in your life. Is it worth it toand listen to your body when it signals the give your friend the time to come to termsneedfordistanceorabreakfromcertain with your diagnosis and new adjustmentsfriendships. youve made? Or does it require you to sayRemember that managing relationships goodbye? A decision such as this should notwhile living with MS is an individual experience. be made in a rush or taken lightly. Ending aIt's important to nd a balance that allows you friendshipcanbemorepainfulforsometo nurture positive and supportive connections than ending a romantic relationship, so takewhile minimizing the negative effect on your your time when deciding.health. 37 msfocusmagazine.org"