b"MS Focus ActivitiesGGiivviinnggBBaacckk::J oyyoouussLLiivviinnggFFaaiitthhPPaarrttnneerrssJoCynthia Lyons, also known as Rev. Sunshine, founded Joyous Living Faith Partners MS Support Group in Miami, ten years ago. They meet every third Monday of the month at Second Baptist Church. Their group has the support of Rev. Dr. Alphonso Jackson Sr. and the Second Baptist Church. The church provides a monthly meeting place and even helps celebrate and raise awareness and funds for National MS Awareness Month every March. What inspired you to help people with MS? As an awareness tool, at each Sunday service When I was rst diagnosed, I began lookingduring March, I play short YouTube videos for support from others that had MS in my arearegarding multiple sclerosis just to educate but I couldn't nd anyone. I was surprised thateveryone as to what MS is all about. Each Sunday there were no MS Focus support groups induring March, I also make an announcement my area, so I decided to start one. I hadthat on the third Sunday we will be collecting previously seen the rst lady of my church,donations to help those living with MS. It's who had experienced breast cancer, bringheartwarmingtoseeeveryone wearing awareness and fundraising efforts for thatorange and to watch them one-by-one come disease to our congregation. With her guidance,up to the front and put their 'love offering' I started the same process to bring awarenessinto the container I'm holding. It's incredible and raise the much needed nancial resourceshow generous and supportive people can be to help people with MS.when they've been educated as to where their How did your plan to give back work? money is going and how it will help. Because I'm a minister at Second BaptistWhat was the most challenging part Church, my plan was to appeal to the hearts ofof this project?the congregation and to give them an avenueOneofthethingsI'mmostchallenged to donate. During the entire month of March,with is that people look at me and can't see I wear orange clothes, wigs, etc., and I ask thethat I have MS or that I'm living with pain congregation to also attend the third Sundayeverydayofmylife.Beingpresentevery wearing orange in honor of multiple sclerosis.Sunday trying to promote the fundraiser isn't msfocusmagazine.org 44"