b'tremendously. Many organizations offer live videoFaceTime, Apples video communication app. chats for members. You can even set up videoThe caveat is that only those with an Apple chats with friends, family, or any collection ofdevice can use it. people youd like to invite. There are severalThis is not, by any means, a comprehensive ways to do this that work extremely well. Onelist of how to connect with people without of the most popular cross-platform programs tophysically being in close proximity, but it use is Zoom. It is easy and free to use. Many com- helps you to understand the ease and power panies and organizations use this platform toofovercomingthisbarrier.Technologyis schedule meetings when the attendees areconstantly changing and getting easier and not able to meet in person. Many healthcaremore powerful. Not only can it help connect professionals use Zoom to meet with patientsyou with those you already know, but it can or consult with other healthcare providers.also help you make new connections in Another popular video chatting platform isexciting unexpected ways.OuurrOOnnlliinneeCCoommmmuunniittiieessOWe have four private closed facebook groupswhere our members and the community at large can communicate with each other and get answers to their questions.Multiple Sclerosis Foundationfacebook.com/groups/msfocus MS FOCUS Confidential is a group where anyone living with orfacebook.com/groups/906460479752961affected by MS or those with suspected MSOnly for individuals diagnosed with MS.can come and ask questions, or find resources that may be of help and interest.MS Care-Partners Onlyfacebook.com/groups/mscarepartners MS Focus on the LGBT CommunityOnly for individuals who are in a closefacebook.com/groups/msfocuslgbtpartnering relationship with someoneA private space for those living with MS who is diagnosed with MS.who identify as LGBTQ+.23 msfocusmagazine.org'