b'MS Focus Activitiesawareness. Rebecca said, We were on the golearn to laugh about it all more; get a sense upuntilthepandemiccrasheduponus.of humor because youll need it.Everything went silent, it seemed, but despiteKeep up with Faith and Rebecca on Instagram, the halt, we each have built a solid social media@faithagauas and @youkeepmesmyelin. following based on the work and content we could create regardless of COVID. Before the start of summer, Mom and I will attend our rst in-person walk, which we eagerly anticipate; slowly but surely, things are getting better. As for the future, Faith hopes to see and bepartofthedialoguerelatedtoMSand ageism. Television commercials primarily consist of younger or newly middle-aged faces. There is not much of an emphasis on older individuals, which is complex because the general attitudes suggest that our symptoms have to do with age rather than the disease itself. Id love to dive into how to change that so our life is more manageable. The duo advises the chronic illness and caregiver communities never to settle under any circumstances, no matter where they are along their journeys. Rebecca noted, At the end of the day, this is your life. If, after many efforts,someone,suchasadoctor,isnot meeting your needs, search for alternative support;thesamegoesforcarepartners. Communication is required from all parties whenthingsareandarenot working. We cant read each others minds. I will add that nding community is often the best medicine in many ways; your people are out there.Faith said, I believe partners need to exercise patience. Neither should blame the other for not knowing something; it is up to you to enlighten them, and if they still cannot help, go to the next best person. Most of the time, family is our rst line of support, but other times, its a friend or neighbor. Whoever it is and wherever you are in life, I hope you msfocusmagazine.org 34'