b'AAsseettooffiinniittiiaallssI have found out there are people I meet who take it upon themselves to talk aboutPOLAR OFFERS SOLUTIONS and learn about MS while getting to knowFOR COOLING EVERY BODY! me. I have found many friends that fall into this category, and more surprisingly, I haveWE CAN found my signicant other. Scott and I met through mutual friends andOFFER that is what I thought we would befriends.THE MOST However, this man went out of his way toEFFECTIVE make sure I was comfortable any time weSOLUTION were together. Once he knew I was availableFOR YOUR to date, he did not hesitate to ask me out. MSINDIVIDUAL was nothing more than a set of initials to him. If I was having any symptom-relatedNEEDS. problems, he told me to tell him and to ask for help. That happened seven years ago, andWe have he has never backed down. In fact, as I nisheverything writing this article, he and I are celebratingyou need from our fth wedding anniversary!cooling vests to accessories to So yes, in all relationships, you will facecirculang cold ups and downs, goods and bads. You will bewater therapy nervous and unsure atsystems. timeseveryone is. You maysometimesfeel like a burden, but you mustremindyourself that you are a blessing. Talkaboutitandtake care of yourself rst, onlyOther manufacturers may claim their single, then will you nd youunpatented cooling technology is the best can take care of othersfor all environments and situaons, butas well.Polar is the only manufacturer worldwide Have Your Say oering every major type of personal body Have Your Say cooling technology!We welcome your questions, suggestions, opinions and feedback.See our complete product line atReach us at:polarproducts.com|800.763.8423editor@msfocus.org, call 800-225-6495,PROUD SUPPLIER FOR THEor use the contact form at msfocus.org. MSF COOLING PROGRAM15 msfocusmagazine.org'