b'MS Focus ActivitiesBy Marcia HarrisIn every issue of this magazine we see thisSeven Tipsfeature, Empowered, but, have you ever Develop a positive attitude wondered how you can empower yourself Set reasonable goals and others? I believe that the following Surround yourself with positive people applies to friendships, but may especially apply to support groups as well. Practice self-care Howcan youempower yourfriendsor Use positive self-talk support group members? Listen to them with Be assertive an open mind. Try not to give your thoughts Create an action list right away, as it is important to hear what is onWhat have I learned from all of this? I work their mind. It is said that being a good listenerat an organization that does the most incredible reminds your friends or support group membersthings for so many people, yet there are so that their thoughts are valid and important.many people who do not even know we exist. It is important to validate the other personsWhile attending the Consortium of Multiple perspective. Give the person your full attention,Sclerosis Centers in Aurora, Colo., in early then try to summarize what they were saying.June, I was once again amazed so many people If it is during a group meeting, encourage thein the medical eld had not heard of MS Focus. group to give their thoughts. It is possible someEven at the patient program on the last day of of them have had similar situations occur.the event, people with MS were so excited to How can you empower others as a leader?learn they could apply for assistance or join a Compliment the people in your group. Dontsupport group.focus on the most outgoing people, but makeI am going to make it my mission to sure to include everyone who makes an effort.empower myself with some of those tips so Itissaidthatpraisemayencourageyourwe can spread the word. I already have one members to grow and improve.step down, as I have surrounded myself with I also found a great Maryville Universitypositive people here at MS Focus. Our goal is online article. It said Self-empowerment meansto help as many people as we can. We can making a conscious decision to take chargeonly do that if we have the funds, so I am of your destiny. It involves making positivegoing to be more active about asking people choices, taking action to advance, and beingto think of our organization when they are condent in your ability to make and executeplanning a fundraiser or giving to a charity.decisions. Self-empowered people understandOursupportgroupprogramisgrowing their strengths and weaknesses and areagain after the pandemic. Groups are meeting motivated to learn and achieve. It, also offeredboth in-person and online. We are available seven tips for seeking self-empowerment.to speak at your virtual meetings about our msfocusmagazine.org 28'