b"car modied, I was able to take a neighbor lady to theairport (at 5:15 a.m.my rst time on a high speedroadway with hand controls) and another lady to thebank. It feels wonderful to drive with condence againto church and to see my out-of-town chiropractor.And this week I joined the Bethlehem pools for mysummer exercise. My heart is full and I am grateful. On the move,KimberleyHave Your SayWe welcome your questions, suggestions,opinions and feedback.Reach us at editor@msfocus.org,call 800-225-6495, or use the contact format www.msfocus.org.How has MS aected yourparent/child relationships?Better Care Clinic pllcI can only speak as a mother with a son who has MS. It is dicult to watchsomeone you love in pain, their bad days become your bad days. You have to change your expectations.Asking your son with MS to carry this, take out the trash, come to the park in the summer, is habit; youhave to realize things have changed and they may need to rest, avoid the heat, and focus on balance.As a parent, I worry more about every nuance of his health, and when things occur I cannot x I feelhopeless.Brandy HendricksIts instilled a fear in my child that goes all the way to her core. She was vaccinatedagainst COVID-19 and afterwards she felt a relief. In that relief she took what looked like a long breathand admitted that shes been afraid this whole time that she would accidentally expose me and bethe reason I died. She was so scared that she would have to go to my funeral knowing she killed herown mother. That broke my heart and my spirit is still bruised. It hurts me that my teenager carriesaround that kind of fear, because she has a mom like me.Shawn DuffyIt was hard having to accept in my early 30s that I will need my mom as my caregiver.It been hard on both of us, but rewarding.Bobbi Perschall MasonNever got the opportunity to have children or adopt because of the disabledlabel - husband had spina bida, so eeeek. Right there I knew it was a denite no-go. We couldnt havenatural children and then all of a sudden, we couldn't adopt.11 msfocusmagazine.org"