b'has helped Sherri more than Heather realizes. life, not necessarily because she has MS.Ive had Terry to help me through a lot, so Heather said she and her husband, Craig,I dont always need to involve our children in have been very open and transparent abouteverythingwithmyMS.ButHeatherhas Sherris MS with Brianna and Parker. been my rock, Sherri said. Whenever Ive As theyve gotten older, theyve learnedneededsomethingorsomeonetotalkto, more about it, but it hasnt really come upshesalwaysbeenthereformenomatter that often because she doesnt make it aboutwhat. her, Heather said. My mom is an amazingThis seless support from her family has grandparent. Even when the temperatureshelpedSherriupholdhercommitmentto get up into the 90s, she nds a way to makekeep her MS under control and minimize the ittositonthesidelinesandwatchtheirrole it plays in the relationships she has with gamesandbethereforthem.Ivealwaysher children and grandchildren. been close with my mom. She has alwaysAffaammiillyy in need is a family indeed been MY rock.For as much as people with MS need family What aect does MS have on relationshipsmembers to come to their rescue, taking care betweengrandparentswithMSandtheirof Coleton is one way Sherri and Terry are children and grandchildren? Maybe its anhelping out their daughter Leah while she is indirectabilitytoturnalreadystrongmoving. Sure, Sherri may no longer have the relationships into ones that are rock solid.strength to pick up her grandson (thats whatgrandpa is for), but she always nds ways tomake life as his grandma work.For example, when she recently set up atelephone call with a friend, Sherri requestedthey schedule it for around 10 a.m. because hoping to raise awareness andthats when Coleton is put down for his promote an understanding of MSmorning nap. This gives her the opportunity with the goal of raising $1/mileto take care of other duties around the house driven during our season.such as dishes, laundry, and cleaning. Then, when she puts him down for his Apex Road Rally presented by Apex Detoursafternoon nap, Sherri often lays down at the organizes events that provide the ultimatesame time to conserve or renew her energy. road trip experience. Apex events bring carenthusiasts together to drive some of theSuch are the age-old approaches most parents best roads each state has to oer. Events followtake to make the most of their limited time a pre-planned schedule with hand-pickedand energy when theyre home raising their routesandcheckpoints,highlightingnotchildren.only the roads, but beautiful scenery andEven Heathers children, Brianna and Parker; Americana. We encourage everyones supportto help reach our goal through donations orand Shauns children, Tyler, Kylie and Jacob; participation. regularly stop over to help theirgrandma with www.apexdetours.comchores around the house. But its all part of27 msfocusmagazine.org'