b'We had moved to Texas in 2011, but we BC (Before COVID), I had the opportunity tocontinued seeing my doctors in Alabama. It volunteer at Cook Childrens playing the pianobecame obvious that I needed a doctor closer once a week. During the summer of 2019, ourthatcouldmonitorme.Dr.LaceyatCook youth group went to church camp in Alabama.Childrens in Ft. Worth took me as his patient Thebandinvitedmetoplayasongwithand began overseeing my care. In February them each night. I have also played at myof 2014, I lost sight again, this time in my left churchonseveraloccasions.Ihavebeeneye. Up until this point, we had discussed blessedtomeetpeoplefromalloverthemultiple sclerosis, but I didnt have an ocial world with MS. Through Oscar the MS Monkey,diagnosis even though I had had three optic camps, zoom calls, and even church-relatedneuritis attacks. Dr. Lacey believed it was time activities, I have had the opportunity to makefor the diagnosis and for treatment to start. new friends who understand what I am goingHe explained to us that it was possible I could through and are able to relate. By having MS,lose my sight and never regain it. My parents myfaithhasgrowninGod.Hegivesmedecided it was acceptable risk versus benet strength and courage to walk the next step. Itand I began taking Gilenya. I have not had an is hard to wrap my head around whether Iattack since. I continue to have follow-up visits would have had these experiences had I notand MRIs to make sure everything is stable. had MS. Life with MS can be dicult. There are Everything has not always been serioussymptoms I face on a daily basis such as and sad. If it was not for the humorous times,fatigue, numbness in my face, heat sensitivity, the road would become discouraging andshort term memory loss, depression and intimidating. During one of my hospital stays,anxiety, and, worst of all, spells*. A spell is when my nana and pop came to visit me. We walkedI blackout for two or three minutes unaware down to Childrens Harbor, a place for patientsof my surroundings. Each spell can be dierent to get away and have fun. My pop and Ibut always leaving me exhausted afterwards. decided to play a game of pool. After makingThere is no rhyme or reason to the onset of a the rst shot, we had to head back to my roomspell and I can have them for days. Sometimes immediately because somehow I managedI might have one and have had as many as to jerk the IV out of my arm. My pop said he16 in a four-day period. As a result of these won. Laughter is good medicine. spells, I have not been able to get my driverslicense yet. I am 19 and it is really frustrating MS has been a part of my life for 14 years.that I am unable to drive by myself. It is very It is who I am. Starting this journey so young,hard to see peers doing things I wish I could do. I do not know what life would be like otherwise.On the bright side, life is not all bad with One of my favorite quotes is by Scott Hamilton,MS. I have been able to experience things I The only disability in life is a bad attitude.might not have experienced if it was not for MS can be dicult but with the right point ofMS. Since I am not able to spend long periods view and attitude I know I can cope and beof time outside, I have learned to play the piano. successful in life. *Absence seizures, sometimes referred to as spells, lapses, or blackouts, aect a small percentageof people with MS.47 msfocusmagazine.org'