b'needs very well. In a 2017 study, caregivers well as a Doctors and Resources tool to connectacknowledged that their own lack of knowledge caregivers with local individuals and organizationsabout MS exacerbated their fears of the disease that can provide information and emotionaland its eect on their children. Lack of MS support. The Doctors and Resources tool allowsknowledge also negatively affected the caregivers to select the category of supportrelationship between parents, attributing to they need, the support type they are lookinglower satisfaction in couples relationships, as for, their ZIP code, and the distance they arewell as lower feeling of parental competence. willing to travel to meet with a provider. ThoseP looking for emotional support may select thisPrraaccttiiccaallaannddSSoocciiaallSSuuppppoorrtt as their category, select caregiver and familyBecause of the evolving nature of MS, the support as their support type, then input theroles and responsibilities of caregivers are rest of their preferences to nd a providerconstantly changing. Caregivers cited diculties near them. NMSSs Support Group searchin balancing the needs of the pediatric patient tool works similarly. with employment, family responsibilities, and The Pediatric Multiple Sclerosis Alliancesocial obligations. Caregivers reported feeling has a Facebook group with participants fromless satised in their role than noncaregiving all over the world sharing information, advice,parents and overwhelmed by appointments and words of comfort. Though not pediatricand information management of the disease. specic,HealthlinesLivingwithMultipleNumerous appointments negatively aected Sclerosis Facebook page is quite similar. Throughthe nancial earnings of the caregiver, causing the online communication platform Discord,a need for nancial support. Family dynamics caregivers can join the Multiple Sclerosis Discordand parental health-related quality of life also andchat24/7withvolunteersorrequestsuered in these families, as caregivers were one-on-one calls if preferred. There is also aoften required to schedule their days activities community Vent Chat where individuals canaround the uctuating needs of the pediatric share what is happening in their lives. patient with MS. Families also report feelingisolated post-MS diagnosis, and expressed Peer hotlines, such as MSFriends: One-on-the desire to connect with other families whose One Connections allows individuals to talk tochildren also have pediatric MS. trained volunteers living with MS. This isR especially helpful to individuals and familiesReessoouurrcceessAAvvaaiillaabblleef orrCCaarreeggiivveerrss dealing with a new MS diagnosis as it allowsfo them to speak to someone who knows rst-MS Focus oers a number of booklets that hand what it is like to have MS. may be helpful for caregivers of pediatric MS Navigating a MS diagnosis is challenging,patients, including When Your Child Has MS especially for pediatric patients, where treatmentand Caring for the Caregiver. Practical help options are slim. However, in being mindful ofis also available, such as caregiver respite the obstacles that caregivers may endure andand other services. Request a Programs and the resources available for them to assist inServices brochure for full details.what may be a dicult time, caregivers can beThe National MS Society oers resources to better equipped to provide the best care possiblesupport caregivers and to help them navigate to their pediatric patient and themselves,the disease process. For psychological support, leading to improved quality of life and aNMSS oers a Support Group search tool as smoother journey for all parties involved.53 msfocusmagazine.org'