b" my symptoms are really unpredictable at me and other friends and family support metimes. in so many other ways.Also, I have a hard time keeping up with This has been easily the biggest obstaclemy peers with certain things. It really frustrates in my life but a group called Oscar the Monkeyme because at times it feels like I got part of has been helping me so much. The group ismy freedom taken when I was diagnosed. For a MS group for kids, teens, and young adultsme at least, it was like I got a metaphorical with MS. This group has made me feel lessgift basket from the mystical MS man and in alone and nd a sense of community. Iveit were all of the drawbacks that came with only met one of the people in the group andMS. One of the main drawbacks I have is losing we are really close now, but I feel like Ivefeeling in my legs and then losing strength known all of them forever. We bond over thetoo. When that happens, my favorite thing stupidest things, such as when one of usand, honestly the most empowering thing, is forgets a simple word, or our weirdest symptom.when you are nally able to do something I love that we are all so dierent but we allyou couldnt do for a while. My balance and have a sense of family within the group. Onemy legs were largely aected and I remember major thing that the group taught me is thatthe day I was nally able to stand on one foot it's okay to embrace having MS and to not beagain. I was unloading the dishwasher and embarrassed of a part of you. listening to music and I just wanted to see if Im still guring out how to cope with MSI could stand on one foot. When I did it I broke and I think it might always be a big challengedown crying and FaceTimed a bunch of people for me. But that just pushes me to work harderto show them. That day really taught me that, on the things that I love. In my future I seeyeah, it's hard but the little victories are the myself being a big part of the MS communityones that are honestly the most important. I and I really want to speak more about mystill have those random moments when Im experiences with MS.terried and I dont know if that will ever goaway.WWhhooiissoonnyyoouurrtteeaamm??Anotherthingthepastyear-and-a-halftaught me is that sometimes it takes somethinglike being diagnosed with a lifelong illness torealize who will always be there for you andwho will always be on your team cheeringyou on. Some people have left my life with theexcuse that my having MS is too much for themto handle, but other relationships and especiallyfriendships have gotten way stronger. Forexample, one of my friends dyed half of herhair orange to remind me that even thoughshe doesnt know what Im going through shewill always be there for me. My mom, dad,and older brother are all getting tattoos for45 msfocusmagazine.org"