b'My Mom Has Multiple of MS. The resources listed will give them aMy Mom Has MultipleSclerosis by Rebecca Clary good place to begin this journey.Sclerosisis another book to share with Digesting Science is a simple interactiveyoung children dealing with Digesting ScienceMS in the family. She has several books in this website to get your teen started on understandingseries. Explore them to nd the one that best what is MS and what happens to your body whents your situation. It can be purchased from you have this dicult disease. It is great forAmazon or your favorite online book store.older children but young adults will probablynd it too simple and may already be moreMy MS and E by Kevin J. knowledgeable about the disease. http://My MS and EByrne is well written and very digestingscience.co.uk/games/human-body/helpful for children. It can be My Mom Has MS and ShespurchasedfromAmazonor My Mom Has MS and ShesStill the Best by Caleb Martinyour favorite online bookstore. Still the Best Kevin J. Byrne is a great person is a book written from Calebsto follow on Twitter and he is point of view. He is a young adultan inspirational model for coping with MS. whose mom has MS. This bookSearch for him on the Internet to learn more is geared to helping anyone,about him. He is a very active MS advocate including adults understand thegives hope for helping to live your best life disease and what it means if awith MS. loved one is diagnosed. This book can beAmazon lists other books you might want purchased on Amazon.to purchase when reading about the books YouTube is a great site for nding videosyou are considering. This will often lead you by and for children who are coping with MS.to other great books and authors. Take time to It may be a parent, a sibling, or someone inexplore this option and you will be pleasantly their close circle of support that is ill and theirsurprised and rewarded with many more books honesty is refreshing. Most teens and youngand videos than you probably expected. There adults will be able branch out quickly to ndare too many to list all of them individually other resources. Starting by typing Whats itin this article. like having a parent with MS? in the searchBooks for older children, box will lead to many videos. The hard partBooks for older children, will be culling the information to nd whatyoung adults will suit their needs. One example of a greatyoung adultsThe following resources are by or for older nd on YouTube is www.youtube.com/watch?children and/or young adults who have a parent v=71p9aLDkkYA.or other family members with MS. Most teens Children and other family members willand youngadultsaretechsavvyand will benet from being actively involved in helpingbenet from having an online community of an MS patient cope with the daily struggles ofothers facing similar circumstances. However, MS. Even though they do not have the diseaseit is also important they get accurate information themselves, the eect on their life cannot beabout the disease. Even though they are older, understated. The resources listed in this articlethey will be concerned and scared and still with help give hope and understanding toneed help learning how to cope with all the help them realize they are not alone. This canchanges that have aected their life because be the start of an amazing journey.29 msfocusmagazine.org'