b'Life with MSTTooppPPrraaccttiiccaallTTiippssffoorrPPaarreennttiinnggwwiitthhMMSSMS Focus asked members of the MS community for practical tips for parenting with MS.Here are their responses:WWhheenntthheeppaarreenntthhaassMMSS::Sandra N.Was diagnosed with MS when her children were 11 and 13.Have limitations and boundaries. Share the chores.Desire C.Was diagnosed with MS at age 25one son, now a teenager. Put a baby gate in a room for your child to play so you can rest on sofa if you need to. Do not compare yourself to other parents. They are not going through what you are, their circumstances are not yours.Thalia P.Was diagnosed with MS when her children were one and three. Be honest with your kids.Just do as much as you can each day.Laurie S.Was diagnosed with MS in 2001her kids are now 17 and 23. Pick smaller stores to shop at so you dont get so tired walking.Lori R.Was diagnosed with MS in 1996. Her kids, now grown, asked if she was going to diewhen they were in junior high.Be honest with your kids.Tell them about changes they may see in your health.Joni M.Was diagnosed with MS in 2008. Her daughter just graduated college. Order in or go out to eat when you do not feel good enough to cook. If you have partner, friend, or family member who can drive you to appointments, runerrands, or help with the kids, ask them for help. Dont feel guilty about resting.Koi J.Had symptoms when she was ve months pregnant in 1992, and was diagnosed withMS in 1997. Her four children are now grown. Dont let MS make you afraid to have children. Everyones case is dierent. Share and explain process of your MS progression with your kids so they are not afraid.Shegun K.A father of three kids, he was diagnosed with MS his when youngest was 8 years old. Always have a snack handy. Tell them you are not dying. Tell them not to be afraid.Explain your illness to them so they understand.msfocusmagazine.org 54'