b"MS Focused MS Focus ActivitiesNew oce hoursMS Focus has returned to its oces with temporary hours of operation. For the near future,oce hours will be from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Eastern. You can reach us by phone at 888-673-6287, by email at support@msfocus.org, and you can apply for services online at msfocus.org.Caregivers Night Out For many in the MS community, their lives would be vastly dierent and more dicult withouta caregiver. November is National Family Caregivers Month and since 2002, MS Focus hasbeen celebrating caregivers across the country.We are asking our readers to tell us about everything their caregivers do, and how muchthey mean to them. Has your child, relative, friend, or neighbor gone above and beyond thecall of duty to help you? Then honor them during National Family Caregivers Month by sharingyour story. Keep in mind we seek stories with heartnot flawless grammar or perfectpenmanship.Submissions are being accepted through Sept. 15. The application, which can be found onpage 31, can be faxed to 954-351-0630, or emailed to homecare@msfocus.org. It can also bemailed to Caregivers Night Out Contest, Multiple Sclerosis Foundation, 6520 N. Andrews Ave.,Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309. Winners will receive a gift card for a dinner for two at a restaurant oftheir choice and their story will be published in the winter issue of MS Focus. The gift card maybe used for eat in or take out service.Stay informed with our e-newsletters Want to stay current with all the activities and news happening at MS Focus? Then subscribeto one of our e-newsletters. These include: MS Focus on Programs: Keep up-to-date with our free services designed to meet the needs ofthose with MS. Learn about new programs, application deadlines, educational oerings in yourarea, and receive other important announcements from MS Focus. MS Focus on Action: This e-newsletter will keep you up to date with the current issues facing theMS community, and provide helpful tips that will allow you to get more involved. No matter yourlevel of ability or available time, there's something everyone can do. MS Focus on Research: This concise email newsletter presents each month's news anddevelopments in MS research. It includes research into the cause and cure of MS, as well asstudies related to treatment, coping, alternative medicine, disability, and other science newsrelated to MS.To sign up for these and other newsletters, visit our Newsletters and Subscriptions webpage atmsfocus.org/Newsletters-Publications and choose the newsletter you would like to receive. Inkeeping with our privacy policy, the MS Focus will not share, sell, or trade your email address orother personal information with any other party.25 msfocusmagazine.org"