b'Health and WellnessHHyyddrrootthheerraappyyaannddAAqquuaattiiccEExxeerrcciisseeTThheerreeaarreemmaannyyhheeaalltthhbbeenneettssttoobbeeiinnggiinntthheewwaatteerrBy Chris HudspethStay cool this summer by getting in the outside of a class and on your own. It is alwayspool. While this might sound easy and fun for good to have a care partner with you whensome, for another person water-related activities exercising independently. can be extremely daunting. Safety rst and Water temperaturedowhatyouarecomfortablewithinthe Water temperaturewater is the recommendation of Lisa Ruger, If you have heat intolerance, make sureaquatic coordinator at the Shepherd Center the water temperature is around 84 degreesin Atlanta. Being in the water can level the (80-86 is a good range). This way you can stayplaying eld for those with MS because gravity in the water longer and not have an adverseis not as much of an issue. eect when you are exercising, Lisa said. S Finding an indoor pool is optimal becauseSaaffeettyyrrsstt thisistheeasiestenvironmenttocontrol.Irecommendwatershoesforanyone Outdoor pools are great too, but weather andthat wants to exercise in a pool, whether at other factors play into how warm or cool a poolhomeorapublicfacility.Get watershoes willstayduringthesummer. Also,indoorwithgoodnonslipbottomsandstayaway pools can be used year-round and allow forfrom ip-ops, Lisa said. Make sure there is you to have a consistent exercise regimen.a lifeguard on duty, use handrails, and be GGeetttthheerreeeeaarrllyysure to ask for assistance whenever needed. Arriving early can help in a few ways. IfIf you will need assistance with getting in heat intolerance is an issue, heated and outdoorand out of the water, check with the facility pools will be coolest in the morning hours.you will be going to. Typically, therapeutic Going earlier in the day is also a good idea ifpools will have a chair lift and the sta will be you nd that you get fatigued in the afternoon,happy to assist. Some pools will require you Lisa said. Check your local pools scheduleto get checked out in order to use the pool and nd out what class might work for you ormsfocusmagazine.org 20'