b'MS Focus ActivitiesSchafers New Treatment Options for MS, access the information they have? Dr. Eugene F. Mays MS & Vision, and Dr. Another of our frequent attendees, Myrna,Ben Throwers B-Cell Therapies in MS and of Lake City, Fla., nds the openness of MSTreating Gait Impairment, totaling 34,838 Focuss Zoom conferences refreshing. Theviews combined, as of May 2021. quarantine and subsequent lockdown hadDebra confesses to getting goosebumps me on Zoom a lot, and I was pleased to ndthinking about the number of people watching so many webinars from MS Focus, she said.or listening to our conferences regularly. We Some are informative, others inspiring, butare reaching far more people than we ever mostly relevant, current, and valuable for myhave with our live programs, she said. If we everyday goals. I prefer MS Focus becausehad 30 or 100 people in attendance, we were theirconferencesarenonjudgemental.delightedwiththat.Butintheweeksand Although sometimes funded by pharmaceuticals,months,hundredstothousandsofpeople I am always free to speak my stance, encouragedwatch us and benet from these conferences. to do so, and feel heard. No matter the numberI often think of people like David from the of participants, MS Focuss programs are wellBahamas that attends every single Zoom organized and eciently run. I have utilizedmeeting! We dont travel to the Bahamas, and what Ive learned and expanded my socialhad we not provided people with MS these network as a result of attending. online resources, who knows how he or anyone Whilesomepeopleareexperiencingelse unable to attend our live meetings would Zoom fatigue, Debra hopes the MS communitycontinues finding comfort in the onlineeducational programs. Yes, all of us are drainedfrom the thought of further social distancingand are anxious to reunite with family andpeers, but I pray the community we serveknows that the Foundation is always here forthem. Even in the face of COVID-19, we neverleft them and will keep doing all that we canto keep them informed. As normalcy slowlybut surely trickles in, we know this time issure to pass, and we anticipate the day wecan resume our live programs just as muchas some of you. For times and access information, followMS Focus: the Multiple Sclerosis Foundationon Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Subscribeto our YouTube channel, click the bell besidethesubscribebuttontogetnotiedeachtime we upload a new video and follow MSFocus-On-Demand on soundcloud.com. orvisit msfocusradio.org.msfocusmagazine.org 50'