b'Health & WellnessMMiittiiggaattiinnggSSttrreesssseessEExxppeerriieenncceeddbbyyCCaarreeggiivveerrssTTaakkiinnggccaarreeooffppeeddiiaattrriiccppaattiieennttssdiiaaggnnoosseeddwwiitthhMMSSdBy Ellen Whipple and Tiany Somereville, P4 Pharm.D. Candidate,University of Georgia College of PharmacyRecent advancements in diagnostic tools explore the unmet needs of caregivers, as wellhave enabled healthcare providers to identify as the support available for both the patientspatients with multiple sclerosis at an earlier and the caregivers.stage and age than before, increasing the Psychological Supporrttnumber of new MS cases diagnosed in childhood Psychological Suppoand adolescence. Dened as MS that occurs Caregivers experience fear or worry morebefore 16 years of age, pediatric-onset MS than any other emotion during the care ofaccounts for more than 6 percent of all MS their child or adolescent with MS. In the timecases, with the majority of cases (98 percent) leading up to a denitive diagnosis of MS,being relapsing-remitting MS. As a chronic many caregivers are burdened by months ofneurological disorder, the progression of MS stress and anxiety because of the uncertaintymay necessitate the presence of a caregiver, surrounding the symptoms. In a studyoften a family member, to assist with day-to- conducted in 2019, researchers found mostday activities.pediatric patients initially received incorrectBecause of the low incidence rate of pediatric diagnoses. This can be frustrating to caregiversMS, caregivers may initially struggle to nd if they perceive the healthcare providers areresources to support themselves and the child not listening to their concerns or taking theiror adolescent with MS. Several studies have concernsseriously.Thisstudyalsofounddocumented the strain that caring for a child caregivers often felt overwhelmed, or evenwith a chronic illness or disability can place on concerned they may in some way be responsiblecaregivers, negatively aecting their quality for the diagnoses. of life. Unfortunately, few studies existed that I nffoorrmmaattiioonnaannddIninvestigated the eect of caring for pediatric Epatients with MS. Then, in February 2020, EdduuccaattiioonnaallSSuuppppoorrttthe European Multiple Sclerosis Platform Between June and July of 2018, Merck KGaA,published their systematic review of literature a German science and technology company,into the unmet needs of caregivers taking care conductedasurveyofMScaregiversandof pediatric patients with MS, as well as the found that 51 percent of respondents felt theresults of their survey of caregivers. Utilizing healthcare professional did not explain thethis study and other resources, this article will disease, its progression, and potential caremsfocusmagazine.org 52'