b"Hot TopicsHHeellppffoorrPPaarreennttssaannddCChhiillddrreennDDeeaalliinnggwwiitthhMMSSMMaannyyooppttiioonnssaawwaaiittoonnAAmmaazzoonnaannddYYoouuTTuubbeeBy Joanne FortunatoManaging family responsibilities in the Books for young childrenBooks for young childrenbest of circumstances can be overwhelming, The following books and activities are abutif youorsomeonein yourfamilyhas greatplacetostarttheconversationwithmultiple sclerosis it can make it feel almost young children:impossible. It is important to include familyin the process of coping with the challenges KeepS'Myelin fromtheKeepS'Myelinthat MS can bring. There are technological National Multiple Sclerosisresources that can help. Through technology Society is full of ideas andyou can reach a global community for support activities that will be fun andand current information.informative. You can printHelping family and friends understand individual activities as needed.MS will give them the opportunity to help in nmsscdn.azureedge.net/NationalMSSociety/waystheymaynothaveotherwisebeen media/MSNationalFiles/Newsletters/awareexisted.Itisoftenhardtoputinto Keep-S-myelin-Activity-Book-Kids.pdf. words just how MS can aect everyday life. Someone You Know has MSSomeone You Know has MSThere are books, videos, and activities available from the National Multipleto help communicate the needs of an MS SclerosisSocietyisagreatpatient. Family and friends often want direction picture book to read with a child.on how to help. The following resources are a nmsscdn.azureedge.net/great starting point for involving your family NationalMSSociety/media/in the challenging journey of MS. MSNationalFiles/Brochures/Social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook, Brochure-Someone-You-Know-and YouTube can connect you with groups has-MS_-A-Book-for-Families.pdfand individuals that can oer ideas and support. Some Days We by JulieSome Days WeThe sites listed just scratch the surface of the Stamm is wonderful book foravailable opportunities to connect with these helping young children coperesources. Once you get started, you will nd and understand how to dealsites and places that will astound you. The with a parent with MS. It canresources will be divided into two groups; one be purchased from Amazonfor younger children up to 10 years old, and or your favorite online book store. Julie Stammthoseforteenagersandyoungadults.Of is a great person to follow on Twitter and shecourse, these are just guidelines and the has excellent podcasts. A search for her onmaturity of the child should be considered. the Internet will get you started.msfocusmagazine.org 28"