b"Life with MSRRoocckkssTThhrroouugghht heeAAggeessthOne look into how MS aectsthe relationships of a grandparentwith their children and grandchildrenBy Dan DigmannSherriHutchinshasntstitchedinher she was open and honest when things seemedsewing room for several weeks.a little o and she was experiencing strangeTaking care of her 14-month-old grandson, symptoms. Coleton, full-time has commanded most of Still, Sherri kept moving forward.her time and energy. She has lived with Heather, Sherri and Terrys middle child,multiple sclerosis for nearly 18 years. Even recalled the moment in the Windy City whenthoughherhusbandof44 years, Terry,is she rst saw that something was wrong. Shethere to share in temporarily caring for the hadgraduatedfromCentralMichiganyoungest of their grandchildren, she wouldnt University and was working at Weber Shandwickhave it any other way. in downtown Chicago, and her parents hadThats been challenging because my traveled to visit.sewing room is my escape from things like We were out doing the touristy things,the stresses that come with living with MS, and when we got to the Field Museum, shesaid Sherri, who lives in Mount Pleasant, Mich. couldnt even walk for more than ve minutes,But Im his grandmother, and I do not let this Heather said. That was a huge red ag fordisease rule my life. I have refused to do that me because I never could keep up with myfrom Day 1. mom my whole life, and now she couldn'teven walk.Sherri never has given MS any kind of Several weeks later, Heather sat in herauthority. This tenacious attitude has set the oce cubicle and got the call from Sherri thattone for how MS aects the relationships she she had been formally diagnosed with MS.has with her three childrenShaun, Heather, Its veryhardasachildseeing yourand Leahand six grandchildren, even in parent go through that and knowing therethe moments when it appears the disease isnt much you can do to help, Heather said.hastheupperhand.Theredenitelyare It was very hard because I didnt know thatdays when it gets dicult, but I nd ways to much about MS, and it just sounded verywork through it, she said. scary.Seeinggaarreeddaag y in the Windy City Yes, her family was concerned, and SherriHaving MS isnt something Sherri ever hid receivedunwaveringsupportfromherfrom her family, but she had never made it husband and all three of their children. Butcenter stage either. Leading up to her diagnosis, theres a special mother-daughter bond thatmsfocusmagazine.org 26"