b'if the pool is simply open and available for from the body and lighten the spirit. general use. AT AqquuaatthheerraappyyaatthhoommeeTaakkiinnggaaccllaassss If you have a pool at home and can exerciseDuringthepastyear,mostpublicand there, make sure to have a person who is withtherapeuticpoolswereclosedbecauseof you anytime you are in the water. AccidentsCOVID-19 and having a Zoom aqua class was can happen for several reasons, but fatiguenot realistic. As pools have opened back up, in the water and the ability to get out safelynew protocols may be in place, such as class is something to consider. An aide, therapist,size. One of the biggest parts of a class is the or care partner who knows CPR and rst aidsocial aspect of being in the pool with others. is important just in case something shouldEven if your local pool doesnt oer a specic occur. Also, making sure you have simpleclass for MSers, joining a low-impact aerobics equipmentsuch as water weights and waterclass can have great benet. Do what you can shoescan help make the best of your timeand let the instructor know adjustments or in the water.modicationsyoumayneedtomakethe Oclass work for you, Lisa said.OppeennwwaatteerrM The ocean, lakes, and ponds are great forMoorreetthhaannsswwiimmmmiinngg cooling o, but not ideal for aquatic exerciseYou might say, Well, I dont know how to Lisa said. Being in a controlled environment,swim. That is okay because most classes like a swimming pool, makes sure that youtake place in shallow water using oatation stay as safe as possible. devices, such as pool noodles. This can be Openwaterhasmanymorevariablesvery helpful and assist in overcoming fears than a swimming pool, such as the bottomcould stop someone from joining an aqua class. (mud, sand, and seashells), waves, and wildKeep in mind that there will be therapists or aquatic life. Swimming pools are cleanedand lifeguards on duty mindfully watching and maintained daily for public use. Althougheveryone in the water. If you get fatigued or some people might have an allergic reactiondizzy, let the instructor know and they will to chlorine, there are many more benets tohelp get you to a safe place and exit the water exercising in a controlled environment suchsafely.as a pool. Dont have the expectation that you will Djust be doing laps around the pool. Aqua Diivveeiinnexercise can vary from a dance class, aerobics, Watch YouTube videos for ideas on whatboxing, or lifting weights. According to Lisa, you can do for a workout that works for you.We use all kinds of equipment and exercises Check with your healthcare team and askin our aqua therapy classes, depending on what is appropriate. Find a facility near youneed and desired outcome. Just being in the that oers classes and see if any friends wantwater is a natural state and can relieve stress to join you. Have fun, get t, and stay cool. Visit the Aquatic Exercise Association (aeawave.org) to learn more about aquaticexercise, and order equipment you might want, such as resistance bands, or CDs and DVDs.21 msfocusmagazine.org'