b'evaluations. After analysis there was noted weaknesses of standard brain MRI metrics isthinning of the GCIPL and pRNFL layers they do not always correlate well with disabilityleading to the conclusion that these may progression. Many people with MS will havebe biomarkers of disability worsening. The no new lesions on brain MRI despite havingmeasurements of the INL indicated thickening progression of their disability.may lead to a relapse but the data was limited FDA approved device may improveto draw a strong conclusion. walking in people with MSDr. ThrowerThe ultimate goal of treatment Dr. Thrower TheFDAhasapprovedthewith any disease-modifying therapy in MS is Portable Neuromodulation Stimulator deviceto prevent disability, relapses, and new lesions for use in conjunction with physical therapyonMRI.Thereisanongoingsearchfor to improve walking in people with MS andbiomarkers that may add to the information traumatic brain injuries. The device is wornwe get from MRI, history, and examination. around the neck during therapy and deliversOne of those potential biomarkers is optical a mild electrical stimulus to two cranial nerves.coherence tomography. This quick, inexpensive, In theory, this may improve neuroplasticity orand painless test uses light waves to measure rerouting of CNS electrical information aroundthe thickness of dierent structures in the retina. areas of damage. The two MS trials wereOphthalmologists use OCT in conditions such small. The first study of 20 people showedas glaucoma or retinal detachments. MS those treated with the device and therapy werespecialists have been using OCT to add to our less likely to have falls compared to thoseknowledge and management of MS. The retinal treated with therapy alone. In the second trialnerve ber layer is part of the central nervous of14people,balancewasimprovedwithsystem. Prior research has shown the RNFL therapy and the PoNS device compared tothickness correlates with brain volume. This therapy alone. Physical therapists will likelystudy shows thinning of the RNFL also correlates need to get some training in the use of thewith progression of disability. This may add device before theyre ready to start using itan important tool for monitoring MS. One the for people with MS. Weichert, Realtors- Capella Estates& Michael Skovron PARealtoris proud to join withto support better days for people with MSSelling; Buying; Investing or RelocatingFor every closed transaction that mentions MS Focus, a donation will be made.Michael Skovron PA REALTORCIPS ILHM MilRES Ambassador-Realtor,for all National InquiresDirect 954-303-6060Email BritishRealtorSells@gmail.comWebsite BritishRealtorSells.com61 msfocusmagazine.org'