b"Life with MSLittle Victories HelpLittle Victories Helpto Cope With Drawbacksto Cope With DrawbacksThe hard thing about being a teenwith MS is being taken seriouslyBy Isela ZepedaHi, my name is Isela Zepeda. Im a 16- but because I wasnt comfortable with theyear-old girl and I have multiple sclerosis. I fact that I have MS, I said nothing. remember the day I was diagnosed like it was I guess part of me expected that from peopleyesterday: it was December 3 and I was 14. I my age, but one thing I never thought wouldwas at a children's hospital going over my MRI happen is getting that from a teacher. Oneresults and I was told I had to be hospitalized. day in school I stepped out because I wasIt wasn't until that night I was told I have MS. having a hard time breathing. I was dealingAfter I was told I have an autoimmune disease, with a MS hug and the masks really didnt help.I did the only logical thing I could think of: I When I got outside and sat down my visionfreaked out.started going out and my legs went numb. OnceThe suckiest thing about being young and my vision came back and I could feel my legshaving MS is it takes so long just to get diagnosed about half an hour had gone by. When I wentbecause it isnt common in younger people. back, my teacher was yelling at me for skippingDoctors will diagnose you with so many other class, and I tried to explain what happened.things before MS is even on the board. Personally, My mom emailed him about the situationIve been having some of my most recurring and nally he understood. symptoms since I was nine but, because I was Drawbacks of anDrawbacks of anlittle, it was overlooked. The only reason I even invisible diseasegot the MRI was because my optometrist saw invisible diseasea downwards astigmatism in my eyes. That is That is, honestly, what sucks the most (asidevery unusual so she requested I get an MRI. from symptoms and treatments) about beingStudents and teachers a teen with an invisible diseasepeople dontStudents and teachers always take you seriously because physicallyI knew being 14 with a lifelong disease that you look ne. After those two experiences,isnt common in people my age would be hard, my perspective denitely changed in a negativebut I guess I never took into account how way. My life has changed so, so, so much inignorant people would be. One time my legs the past year-and-a-half with guring out howreally weren't workingsoIhadtobeina to cope with MS and read the cues my bodywheelchair at school. But because the previous gives me. One thing Ive noticed for me is itday I was fine and I didnt have a cast or gets really hard to describe my symptoms.anything, the judgement and snide remarks With being a teen and having MS, there is soinstantly came rolling in. I had people telling much I want to do but, because of my MS,me I was faking and I just wanted attention; things such as sports are out of the questionmsfocusmagazine.org 44"