b'she said. In early-2019, when I learned that sincetheschoolyearresumed.Mr.Oscarthehostscanceledtheirsummercamp,I Monkeys latest endeavor is starting an annualraised over $15,000, and by July, Mr. Oscar scholarship program for teens with MS, theirMonkey had its rst annual Teen Camp with siblings, and those who have parents with MS.25 kids from 14 dierent states!Through Oscars Scholarship, Emily stressesA ve-day event, the teen camps consist the importance of the inclusion of familiesof MS-friendly and team-building activities; aected by MS. 2021 is the rst year wereeachtakesplaceeitherindoorsunderair doingthis! Wevegotamazingapplicants,conditioning or in water. In years past, the and we hope to help most of them. kids have gone kayaking and participated in 2021 crossed another rst from Oscars listart and yoga classes. The camp mentors are with its Young Adult Retreat designed for recentpast members who hold discussions with the high school graduates and those past theircampers on various subjects such as personal teenage years with demyelinating conditions;and professional relationships, college prep/ this weekend affair occured immediatelytransition, and taking the reins of responsibility following the teen summer camp. in speaking to ones doctors. Mr. Oscar Monkey When asked how she felt about the conceptionalso includes children with other demyelinating of Mr. Oscar Monkey coming into fruition,conditions.Emily replied, So many emotions overtake meWe see MS as an umbrella whether its as I witness the newly formed connections ofNMO, ADEM, or another thats fairly similar, other kids and families aected by MS throughEmily said. I think half of our campers dont our work. It honestly brings tears to my eyes.even have MS but one of the other avors, as Emily continued, I always thought, let me seeI like to call them. if this small thing I do makes any dierenceNew rsts at all, but then people who weve reached shareFollowing the outbreak of COVID-19, Oscar their stories, and it overwhelms me. I createdand Emily remain in touch with their teen something impactful for the MS community, andcampers through video chats on social media. Oscar bridged the gap. Ending the loneliness,They always remark on how much they miss that familiar loneliness I remember when Itheir camp family and anticipate the day we was their ages, and relief for the parents andall see each other again once everything is safer, families caught in a whirlwind of confusion;said Emily. Its more than a camp to us; it is its gratifying.a family reunion.For more information on Mr. Oscar Monkey,please visit:For nearly a month at the start of COVID, website, www.mroscarmonkey.org,they held daily video calls, then spoke twice Facebook, Oscar the MS Monkey,a weekbutnowreconnecttwiceamonth Twitter, and Instagram @mroscarmonkey. 37 msfocusmagazine.org'