b'Medicine & ResearchSSuuppppoorrttiinnggCChhiillddrreennaannddTTeeeennsswwiitthhMMSSBy Teri Schreiner, M.P.H. When multiple sclerosis is diagnosed at likely less than 5,000 children and teens withany age, there is a stage of mourning and MS in the United States. This is a strikinglyuncertainty. Patients question what this chronic small number when compared to the numberdisease will mean for their family, work, and of all people in the U.S. living with MS: nearlyself-identity.Theuncertaintylessenswith 1 million. Biologically, the disease is the sametime but having a diagnosis of MS erodes a in children as in adults, and is almost alwayspersons condence that he or she will be able relapsing and remitting. MS is often very activeto live a carefree life. in children. Whereas adult patients may haveWhen a child or teenager is diagnosed with one or fewer relapses per year if untreated,MS,theeectisdierent.Oftentimesthe children will have on average at least two perparents may be more aected than the child year if untreated. Children also recover betteror teen. Parents often have known someone from attacks than adults. While this is reassuringaffected by MS at a time when effective in the short term, the burden of these relapsesdisease-modifying therapies were not available does accumulate over time, so preventionand early treatment of relapses is critical.and the disease burden was great. In contrast, Lifestyle and psychological supportmost children and teens come to the diagnosis How can a parent or caregiver support awithout a basis of comparison.child or teen with MS?There are important, dierent implications One of the most important elements ofof a diagnosis of MS in children and teens. MS care is a healthy lifestyle. A healthyAsidefromtheapparentdierence,age, lifestyleincludesdiet,exercise,andsleep.there are the developmental eects of an MS Whiletheseareimportantforeveryonesdiagnosis when a younger patient is diagnosed. health, regardless of diagnoses, studies inThediagnosiscomesatatimethatthese pediatric MS have shown the higher theyoung patients are still guring out who they fat intake, the higher the hazard of relapse.are and what they want out of life. A diagnosis In contrast, eating vegetables is linked toof a chronic illness such as MS threatens to lowering the hazard of relapse in patientschange the trajectory of their lives. Thus, one with pediatric-onset MS.of the greatest supports to provide to a child or Similarly,physicalactivityislinkedtoteen diagnosed with MS is forward momentum. lowerrelapseratesinpediatricMS.LikeThe incidence of MS in patients younger adults, fatigue is an unfortunately commonthan 18 years old isnt fully known. There are symptom of MS so focus on restful sleep atmsfocusmagazine.org 22'