b"Life with MSOOuurrDDaaddHHaassPPrrooggrreessssiivveeMMSSHow three kids see life withprogressive MS in the familyAll parents worry about their children, butthat worry is increased when you cannot doeverything you believe a parent should becauseof a disability. As your disability increases,so may your fears. But is having a parent withMS really the burden we fear for our children? Stacy: Whats your dad like with MS?Will they be disappointed in you, or will theybe proud of your ght against MS?Lauren: He cant do what he used to do. HeWe decided to ask the May children, whose cant drive me places. It can be hard sometimesfather Ryan has MS. Their mother, Stacy, when we need someone to watch him andhelped record their candid answers. Lets hear there's no one that can help.from Lydia, 7; Lauren, 11; and Samuel, 12 to Samuel: He seems sad but he doesn't showlearn what life is like when your parent has MS. it. He seems bored a lot. He works really hardStacy: Whats the best thing about your dad? to stay positive. Lydia: How he gives me tickles. I love to hug Lydia: My dad cant do a lot of things like gohim. Dad can play card games and Candy- on a bike ride because hes in a wheelchair.land and Chutes & Ladders with me.But when he is in bed, I can still snuggle upLauren: He is really nice to me, and funny, to him.and he loves to hang out with me and my Stacy: Whats the hardest thing about yoursiblings. dad having MS?Samuel: He is funny and he loves to watch Lydia: Not being able to play outside gamesmovies with me. He loves me. He is my dad.with me. We used to lay a blanket down inStacy: What was he like before he got MS? the grass and pretend to have a picnic andsnuggle up and look at the clouds. Now DadLauren: Well, he would love to go on a walk cant lay down because hes in a wheelchair. and play tag, and take me to go shoppingLauren: When I see other people playing withand he even took me to get my ears pierced. their dads, driving, and hanging out, it makesSamuel: He used to get me donuts and he me sad that I cant do that. (But at least I canused to pick me up from school. still see him.) msfocusmagazine.org 18"