b'Hot TopicsMMSSFFooccuussOOeerriinnggssA Conversation about Multiple Sclerosis MS Focus: the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation,presents:Written by Dr. Darbi Haynes-Lawrence, and illustrated by Niah SoultThis is the book youve always needed to explain MS to your kids.Withengagingillustrationsandrealisticcharacters(base dontheauthor and her daughter), the book is expertly designed to help childrenunderstand MS and allay common fears. It also includes a parentsguide to help you facilitate discussion with your young ones. The book is available in English and Spanish. (Youll even nd a read-a longv ersion on the Foundations YouTube channel.)Dr. Darbi Haynes-Lawrence, Ph.D. & Niah SoultMS Focus: the Multipprele Scsentsler: osis Foundation, Along Came Jae: A Conversation about Service Dogs forpeople with MS.Written by Dr. Darbi Haynes-Lawrence, and illustrated by Niah Soult From the team behind our first childrens book, A ConversationAbout MS, and following the same characters, this book was written tohelp answer questions and clarify points regarding living with servicedogs, while teaching more about living with MS. MS Focus is happy to present these books free of charge to familiesaffected by MS. To order a digital or paperback copy, call us at 888-MS-Focus or emailsupport@msfocus.org. Or visit msfocus.org/Get-Educated/Educational-materials.aspx to orderonline.Look for book three in our childrens series in 2022.A Special Book for Young Children with MSMy Hidden Dierence Makes Me SpecialWritten by Rylee Tuggle and Illustrated by Natalia ScabusoWritten for children with invisible disorders, My Hidden Dierence helpskids with MS and other often-invisible illnesses know they are not alone.With the support of their families and doctors, they will face their challenges.The book teaches children to speak up about their symptomssomething thats oftenchallenging for young children, who may struggle to nd the words. Its a wonderfulresource for younger children diagnosed with MS, or for teens diagnosed withMS to read with younger siblings to help them understand invisible illness. Rylee Tuggle also wrote Helping Paws: A Day in the Life of a Service Dog.Both are available on booksbyrylee.com/shop.msfocusmagazine.org 30'