b'MS Focus ActivitiesGiving BackRide to Defeat MSThe Least of Saints MC:Leading the Lost to the CrossThe Least of Saints Motorcycle Club Austin, we would advise them to do it! Whether it isTexas, Chapter, (LOS MC) led by Donald Perdue, a large community event or personal giving,is a Christian-based organization that utilizes the idea is to just do it. There is no greatertheir love for God and motorcycles to reach reward than to be obedient to your heartsout to others. They dedicate their time and desire to help others. eorts as a brotherhood in their communities. What did you learn from doing this,On April 3, the LOS MC hosted the Ride and what are your future goals?to Defeat MS motorcycle run. This was the Organizing this event allowed for us togroups first ride and they raised $1,000. becomemoreawareofourstrengthasaBetween 35 to 40 people participated. The group. When it is something that hits close to50-mile ride through Texas hill country lasted home the work and the reward are priceless.about an hour and a half.What inspired you to help people with MS? The need for events, projects, and fundraisingWe have family members within our club is out there. that are battling with multiple sclerosis and Our future goal is to increase our networkinghave seen rsthand the battle scars. We wanted circle each year we Ride to Defeat MS. LOS MCto do our part to help raise money for the is one chapter of many across the nation andFoundationbydoingwhatwelovetodo. we would like to see other chapters accept theHosting the event gave us the opportunity to challenge to host an event that helps othersmeet, support, pray for, and become closer to in need by giving back.others who are in the same battle. All funds To learn more about the Least of SaintsraisedfromthiseventaredonatedtoMS Motorcycle Club, contact Donald Perdue atFocus: the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation.512-374-9100 or email perdueinsurancetx.com.What was the most challenging partof this project?The most challenging part of this project Want to Plan Yourwas creating an event and a ride for the Own Fundraiser?motorcyclists that would keep everyone safe T o get help creating your own eventon the heels of a pandemic to support people with MS, contact:What advice would you give to othersDebra Forman at 800-226-6495who are trying to give back? or email debra@msfocus.org .For those who have a desire to give back,msfocusmagazine.org 58'