b'MS Focus ActivitiesEducational ProgramsBy Kimani HendricksMS Focus: the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation, a specific topic relevant to those with MS,has held live educational programs since the caregivers, and family members. Afterward, theearly 1990s. Until the pandemic began, sta group participates in a question and answermembers of dierent departments traveled session with the speaker and Foundationthroughout the year across the United States employees, who distribute anonymous surveysand Puerto Rico to reach out to the community to attendees inquiring about their experience. and those unaware of what we provide. While One thing I love about the surveys is gettingMS Focuss employees often travel in pairs, suggestions as to what our clients want us tothe groundwork behind the scenes helps each cover in future presentations, Debra said. Weprogram come together.keep tally of each topic, whether its intimacyFor nearly ten years, Debra Forman has been or spasticity, and build the programs aroundresponsible for scheduling the organizations them. We are always open to recommendationseducational programs. She said, "I choose the of subject matter or speakers from supporterstopics of interest, lock down a qualied speaker,not only because theyre a part of this community,make the travel arrangements for our sta, but because they know what they want to hear. and if necessary, the speaker as well."Among the rave reviews of a March 2020Debra also selects the event locations using event in Orlando, Fla., one person expressed greatthe Foundations database of clients. The satisfaction with the program. I appreciated theamount of clients in one area determines the speaker, Betty, for being down to earth and shepossibility of traveling to their city. Debra made me feel visible for the rst time in a while!teams up with our publications manager, IwouldlovetoseeacognitiontreatmentTerry Schenker, to create the invitation, and presentation next time. Earlier in the month,makes courtesy calls to each registered person another in Louisville, Ky., was delighted aboutbefore the date.spending the day with Cherie C. Binns, RN, MSCN.In addition to discussing the organizations Cherie was fantastic and very knowledgeable;programs and services, the key speaker presents I will be taking many tips home with me.msfocusmagazine.org 48'