b'Ellen Whipple has been a medical advisor with MS Focus since 2002. She is aclinical pharmacist employed within medical aairs, as a director of medicalcommunications, and a clinical assistant professor with the University of GeorgiaCollege of Pharmacy.Christine Willis is the director of Knowledge Management and LearningResources at Shepherd Center in Atlanta. She oversees the Noble LearningResource Center and provides research assistance to clinicians as well as consumerhealth information for patients and families. Her research interests include healthliteracy, library services for people with disabilities, and teaching clinicians howto access and evaluate evidence-based research to be applied in their practice.Your name: MS Focus accepts submissions from voluntary contributorswho have MS or work with the MS community in a professional capacity. Sendinquires or submissions to: editor@msfocus.org.DONT LET THE HEAT CRAMP YOUR STYLEPolar Products is the tried and true solution for keeping the MS community discreetly, comfortably and fashionably cool since 1984.I have MS and your cooling products are the best! I received the Polar Fashion Cooling Vest and Neck Wrap through the MSF Cooling Program. Everything is wonderful. I am a US Army rered veteran and I love your products. I have been talking to my Neurologists about them, and my family and friends want to take and use mine - not happening! - Judy J.PROUD SUPPLIER FOR THE MSF COOLING PROGRAMpolarproducts.com|800.763.84239 msfocusmagazine.org'