b'Much like her coworkers, Debra has traveled Debra differentiates the processes offortheeventsandrecallsinteractingwith scheduling MS Focus Zoom conferences andguests. "To go there, see them face-to-face, its live programs. Before the pandemic, Idtalk to them, shake their hand, maybe even hug try to nd a speaker that already lived in thethem is so exciting. Theres hardly anything I area; why travel if you dont have to? Movingcan say to describe that feeling."to virtualconferenceshasopenedupnewWhile the programs are designed to inform possibilities. With everything online, now Ithe community, MS Focus employees learn am not limited by mileage; since proximitya great deal from their guests to improve the isnt a factor at this time, I can choose aexperience. Early in my career here, I got potential speaker from anywhere in the countryapproachedbysomeonethatcomplained or other territories with whom we connect,about restroom inaccessibility after one of our she said. presentations, said Debra. Some attendees As a coordinator and conference host,deal with limited mobility, bladder and bowel Debra is the primary contact with all speakersdysfunction, and theres no rhyme or reason andsuppliesthemwithadditionalZoomfor the trek to a restroom with accessible stalls. links to share with their patients, clients, andSo, I learned by making mistakes, and I took peers. She gathers the professional bios andit very seriously in scheduling our programs slides and answers their questions or concernsfrom that point on.before the presentations. MS Focus provides guests with lunch or During our online conferences, Director ofdinner during the live educational programs, Communications Kasey Minnis, is ever-present,another touch Debra deems essential. I love guiding her cohosts and speaker through anyit because some of our attendees do not have technical diculties or interruptions; otherwise,the chance to go out for a lovely meal often each meeting follows the same format as livefor nancial reasons, but also because the events. One added benet lies in the questiongroup can socialize among themselves and and answer portion; we leave room to addressobtain valuable information from a speaker those in attendance and anyone unavailablethat increases their quality of life. Its a win-win at the conference time. After signing up foras far as Im concerned, and I love that we the online presentation, one will receive anoer these things to them.email conrmation and can reply with theirThe Foundation also hosted teleconferences question and watch the meeting recording laterto ensure the availability of information to to view the response. All Zoom conferencesindividuals who could not attend in-person undergo a review and approval process beforeprograms. Following COVID-19, the cessation getting uploaded to the Multiple Sclerosisof live gatherings forced MS Focus to change Foundation YouTube channel, msfocusradio.org,directions and increase its virtual conference and MS Focus-On Demand on soundcloud.com.output. As of May 2021, the Foundation has This process takes a few weeks. hosted 84 Zoom presentations with an array To date, the Foundations most viewedof speakers on subjects ranging from health and conferences on YouTube are Dr. Aaron Bosterswellness, to symptom management, research, How to Make MS Boring, Dr. Terry Wahlsmedicine, and overall life with MS.Dietary Approaches to Treating MS, Dr. John49 msfocusmagazine.org'