b"Janette S.R.A grandmother of nine kids, she was diagnosed with MS at age 31, in 2002. Meet with kids one-on-one so they know they are loved and important. Give older kids allowance for helping and doing chores. WWhheenntthheecchhiillddhhaassMMSS::Dawnia B.Her father has progressive MS. His symptoms started when she was in high school,now he is bedridden. She was diagnosed with MS at age 26 and now leads support group ofteens with MS. Listen to your childis he just lazy or is it an MS thing? Make sure you have an MS specialist, not just a neurologist.Linda C.Her son, Thomas, was diagnosed with progressive MS in 2005 at age 16. At thattime there was not much support for pediatric MS and she felt she had to learn a lot on her own. Keep your child active and involved, physically and mentally. Have a support system at home. Make sure to have your child rest, even when the body says no.How has MS aected your parent/childrelationships?Elizabeth Rhianna M. Nathraj I would love to see more content on this front. I have two kids, 8 and 5years old. I had MS eight years before kids, and was in remission through pregnancies and breast-feeding.I was a pretty active Momma, but then I relapsed and a brain stem lesion made me have to changethings a bit. Kids are becoming my care partners more and more. I would love to see more support forkids whose parents have MS. Im trying to make content myself, but Im just one momma going upagainst this MS world.Maureen Macchiavelli WheelerYes! My children don't understand that I can't do what I used to. Andmy grandchildren usually follow the parents' lead. Look, my God is in charge of all of this. I put my trustin Him.Corona Huggins FoustI had to explain MS to both of my sons and husband in 2003. Look at me nowin 2021. They can explain to you the ups and downs of MS, what you have to do to be supportive,understandable, and give positive vibes. You can read all the information about multiple sclerosis, butyou will nd out there is no two people alike. My disability is not like yours. Breckanne NandorI don't really even speak to my parents anymore. Going out to play with my kidhas gotten almost unbearable and I wasn't allowed on the family vacation because I would have beentoo stressful. Linda KnossNot too much. My kids were in their late teens when I was diagnosed and were prettyindependent by then.55 msfocusmagazine.org"