b'individuals with MS who take the followingdisease-modifying therapies:sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor modulators(Gilenya, Mayzent, Zeposia, Ponvory), alemtuzumab (Lemtrada), and anti-CD20 monoclonal antibodies (Ocrevus,Kesimpta, Rituxan and biosimilars)The third dose is not a booster, but isconsidered the completion of the initial seriesof shots. In other words, immunocompromisedDear MS Focus: individuals require three shots to be consideredThank you for the article in InboxVol 23. fully vaccinated, where others require onlyI just returned home after being in the two. Both groups will require booster shots inhospitalwithCOVIDpneumonia.Iwas the future, as the eectiveness of the vaccinevaccinated with J&J prior to getting my decreases over time. Ocrevus infusion. I thought I was protected Please note, MS causes an overactiveuntil I tested positive after interacting with immune system, not a weakened one. Onlysomeone at work, even though I use a face those individuals using the DMTs mentionedcovering consistently. I learned at the hospital above are considered immunocompromised.that I had no antibodies. I am home but with The recommended best practices to protectoxygen now. My doc recommended to get us from the pandemic can rapidly change asrevaccinated with a two-dose vaccine after new discoveries unfold. We encourage eachmy next infusion. It was good to read that I of our readers to discuss this issue with theiram not alone in this. I wish I would have providers, ask careful questions about theknown this when interacting with so many timing of future vaccine doses, and continuepeople thinking that I was protected. to take all necessary precautions to ensureKaren Pellot your safety. Dear Karen,Karen, we wish you a full and speedyWe are glad to hear you are recovering, recovery.are now comfortably at home, and that your Dear MS Focus: doctor has given you clear guidance about Im reaching out on behalf of my grandfather.whether to take additional vaccine.We He was diagnosed with PPMS fourteen yearsrecommendeachpersondiscusstheir ago and has recently begun a high-intensitysituation with their MS healthcare team, as interval training bicycle regiment from whichyouhavedone,andmakedecisions he greatly benets. He also believes that thistogether based on the data available.plan could help other MS patients as well, andFor our readers who have received an mRNA as such, weve written an article describingvaccine, the third dose is recommended for his plan. Could I send you the article in hopesmsfocusmagazine.org 10'