b'of interviews with authors as well as some differs from one group to another, Chrisscience-related discussionsall of which remarked. I am satised with our approachareavailableonourSoundcloudpageor to spreading awareness on that matter, and IYouTube channel, he said. Due to technical look forward to further investigating thosediculties, I have not been able to host as variations in the future.many Zooms as I would like, but I imagine In retrospect, Chris denes his role in theonce we all return to the corporate oce, Ill editorial world as one of community service.resume my post as cohost for our virtual I served my entire country during my yearsconferences in no time.in the Navy, served one area or another fromWhen asked what some of his favorite MS the newsroom, and presently, at MS Focus, thatFocus publications were, Chris said the question role remains, he said. The most rewardingwas similar to asking a parent if they had a thing is knowing that as Editor, I have donefavorite child. I tend to gravitate towards the my small part to make the lives of peopleones that have to do with wellness and with MS better, which is essentially the corepsychology, he replies. On a personal level, mission of our organization. Our whole reasonthose are two topics that Ive always found for being is to provide programs and educationinteresting and important.about this disease to those impacted by itA few of the issues we published on most, and being able to muster this contentdepression, specically, come to mind, and I in whatever avenue we oer is my greatestwas very much involved with the contents of achievement here at the Foundation.ourthemeforNMSEAM2021:AreYouOkay? Your Feelings Matter. I was delightedto discover quite a bit of material I offeredincluded in the nal booklet of our kit. Chris is more at home with subjects relevantto art and science, which MS Focus coversfrequently. I am excited to see how the Fall2021 issue focuses on the arts, as one of my Snap Hookundergraduate degrees is in Fine Arts, he Premium Zippersaid. But each one of the magazines presentsa dierent challenge, concentrates on another Condensation Mesh Pocket Easy Glide Webbing & Slideraspect of life with MS, and I learn somethingnew from every one of the booklets and issues 30 Inch Adjustable Straps (Qty:2) Shoulder Pads/Chair Protectors Multi-Wear D Ringswith which I am involved. They all have anappeal for me in one way or another. Other materials with which Chris is pleasedare those that highlight diversity within theMS community. I had been campaigning onthat topic for a while because it is imperativeas a national organization to look beyondcategories with which we were most familiar.We had not, up until that point, fully addressedpeople of color and how multiple sclerosis31 msfocusmagazine.org'